Coffee review

Basic knowledge of Coffee the Japanese like to brew coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Japanese like to compare the list of filter coffee, it is estimated that this kind of bagged filter coffee can only be seen in Japan. It feels very simple, but very exquisite, just like their cakes and snacks. This bag is KEY COFFEE's filtered coffee, mixed coffee beans. [the name of the country of the original student]: the name of the country, the name of the country.

The Japanese like to compare the list of filter coffee, it is estimated that this kind of bagged filter coffee can only be seen in Japan.

It feels very simple, but very exquisite, just like their cakes and snacks.

This bag is KEY COFFEE's filtered coffee, mixed coffee beans.

[name of the country of the original student]: please tell him (Columbia bean, Brazilian bean).

The method of brewing is simple:

1. Open (unpack)

2. Fold the coffee bag (open the origami on the coffee bag and put it on the cup)

3. Note a small amount of money, 10 seconds later, 2-3 minutes later

(pour water: first pour a small amount of hot water, stew for 10 seconds and then pour water, 2 to 3 times, about 140ml)

Finally, of course, we have to talk about the taste.

Generally speaking, there is a discount on the freshness of such preservation.

It seems that the Japanese like sour coffee, so they drink a lot of Colombian beans.

The taste of this cup of coffee is also slightly sour, not bitter, the entrance is soft, relatively light.

Generally speaking, the bagged follicles are easy to operate and taste good, but they are still very good.

Ear-hanging drip filter coffee should be more common in Japan or Taiwan, a convenient and good choice to drink coffee. Moreover, the quality of coffee beans imported from Japan is relatively high, as long as a certain degree of freshness is guaranteed, the flavor of hanging-ear coffee is not inferior to the traditional brewing method.

Yesterday, I took a bag from a friend. The new package is still very exquisite, and I immediately began to brew it.

The beans used in this bag of coffee are a mixture of Ethiopia and Brazil. I thought it would be a sour taste again. I feel that the Japanese like to drink coffee that is too cheap. However, after drinking, the overall evaluation is still quite good!

Although the dried incense and freshness are not very good

But as mentioned before, Japanese beans are of good quality.

After brewing, the mellowness of the entrance is very good, the bitterness is very weak, and the sweet and sour taste and fruity taste are obvious.

Sure enough, African beans are very wild, !

The final return is also good, and it must feel better if the beans are fresh.

Lao Dong guessed that in the near future, with the popularity of domestic coffee, hanging-ear coffee like this will become more common.