Coffee review

Basic knowledge of fine coffee the purity of coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, The expert candidate for coffee is not to look at the size of the particles, but to grab a handful of individual coffee beans, about dozens of them, to see whether the color of each coffee bean is the same and the granules are large.

The expert candidate for coffee is not to look at the size of the particles, but to grab a handful of individual coffee beans, about dozens of them, to see whether the color of each coffee bean is the same, and whether the particles are similar in size and shape, so as to avoid buying shoddy mixed beans. But if it is a comprehensive bean, different size and color is a normal phenomenon.

In addition, strong fire and medium-deep roasting will cause coffee beans to produce oil. If the shallow roasted beans out of oil, it has gone bad, not only reduced aroma, but also astringent and sour taste. In short, when buying coffee, we should pay attention to its freshness, aroma and miscellaneous flavor, and the ideal purchase quantity is the amount that can be drunk in half a month.

Generally speaking, the best drinking period for coffee is a week after stir-frying, and the fresh, Aroma taste is the best.