Coffee review

Coffee making ginger coffee can prevent and treat influenza

Published: 2024-10-25 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/25, Ginger coffee features: the combination of Chinese and Western is very creative, used to treat what traditional Chinese medicine called wind-cold cold, ginger irritation can protect against cold and fever, to achieve the purpose of auxiliary prevention and treatment of influenza. Ginger coffee raw materials: 1, black coffee cup; 2, ginger slices; 3, sugar 1 tablespoon; ginger coffee production process: first extract black coffee, then in warm freshly roasted black coffee, stir first

Ginger coffee features: "combination of Chinese and Western" is very creative, used to treat traditional Chinese medicine said cold type cold, ginger irritation can keep cold fever, to assist prevention and treatment of influenza purposes.

Ginger coffee ingredients: 1, a cup of black coffee;2, a little ginger;3, sugar 1 spoon;

Ginger coffee making process: first extract black coffee, then in warm fresh roast black coffee, stir into sugar, then add 2~3 slices of ginger, so that it fully emits spicy aroma. So a cup of ginger coffee is ready.

Ginger coffee making tips: 1, old ginger slices to cut very thin. 2. Rotten ginger contains safrole, which is harmful to liver, so once it is found that ginger is rotten, it must not be eaten.