Coffee review

General knowledge of boutique coffee culture Greek coffee fortune telling

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Coffee divination, also known as "Greek coffee divination" or "Turkish coffee divination", is also popular in countries once ruled by the Ottoman Turkish empire. The origin of coffee divination due to the continuous disputes between Turkey and Greece before, so if you come to Greece, don't say you want a cup of Turkish coffee, otherwise you will get two.


Coffee divination, also known as "Greek coffee divination," or "Turkish coffee divination," was once ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire, and this coffee was still popular.

The origin of coffee divination

Due to the constant dispute between Turkey and Greece before, if you go to Greece, don't say you want a cup of Turkish coffee, otherwise you will get two white eyes!

The Greeks were a people who enjoyed divination and fortune-telling, and their curiosity about fate led to the development of philosophy, astrology, numerology, and astronomy. The Greeks believed that everyone's luck was different every day, sometimes good luck, sometimes bad luck, so they derived some special divination methods to predict the future, and the Greek nation had a very early history of drinking coffee, so over time, coffee divination appeared.

In addition, there is a saying that because the Turks are a more hospitable and warm people, they are warm to visitors, and in order to be able to keep guests for a while after eating and drinking, they invented coffee divination after drinking coffee, taking the opportunity to chat and talk about gossip, and from then on, coffee residue, the art of predicting good or bad luck.

Greek coffee brewing and tasting methods

At present, Greek coffee or Turkish coffee is not common in Taiwan, and its taste can be mainly divided into bitter (Skaito), slightly sweet (Metrio) and sweet (Gligi), these three flavors. Its cooking method is mainly to use a stainless steel pot called Briki, grind the coffee powder very fine, put it directly into the pot to cook until it boils, then turn off the fire and pour it all into the cup. Greeks drink coffee, residue is not filtered, because coffee ground very fine, so in the taste, most of the coffee powder, will precipitate in the bottom of the cup, but in the drink, or can drink some fine coffee powder, this is also the biggest feature of Greek coffee. Another characteristic of Greek coffee is that it is drunk without any creamer, and some sugar is added first when cooking coffee, and the amount of sugar is mainly according to personal preference. Some people like to drink bitter coffee without any sugar, while some people prefer sweeter taste.

In addition, in order to truly taste Greek coffee, unique taste, thoughtful boss, will also be a cup of ice water, before drinking Greek coffee, it is best to drink a mouthful of ice water, so that the taste in the mouth, to the most sensitive degree, after which you can slowly experience, Greek coffee that kind of acid, but also a bit bitter feeling!

Coffee divination method

Coffee in general can not be used for divination, because coffee divination, mainly after drinking coffee, with the residue, shape or pattern left, predict good or bad luck, so only Greek coffee, or Turkish coffee, can be used for divination. The principle of coffee divination is mainly to watch the pattern formed by the residue after drinking coffee to predict things, which is similar to the Rosa ink test in psychology.

This kind of divination method can be carried out by yourself, or you can find a coffee diviner who specializes in divination for yourself. In Greece or Turkey, you can often see coffee soothsayers in coffee shops.

Steps to Coffee Divination:

Step 1: Sip the coffee slowly and place the plate over the coffee cup.

Step 2: Shake the cup and plate slightly, thinking about the problem to be divined, and then carefully turn the cup and plate back.

Step 3: Place the cup on the table and wait for the bottom of the cup to cool.

Step 4: Open the cup carefully, and you can divine the pattern in the cup.

Step 5: Finally, you can also use the water flow on the plate to make a wish divination.


The meaning of common patterns

An animal or tree with four legs

It usually represents success, such as promotion at work, success in exams, and achievement of fame and position.

Heart-shaped Y

Usually indicates that love comes, if there is a heart in the cup, there is no object of people "that there will be love coming, but there is currently an object, it means that the other party will love you wholeheartedly." If there are two hearts in the cup, it means that the heart is imprinted. If the ring is round, it means that the possibility of marriage is quite high.

Appear ring

It usually means engagement, or in the next three months, there may be someone around, there will be a wedding.

Number or date of occurrence

Usually it is related to the month or date. If it is a number with special significance to an individual, special attention should be paid. For example, if 8 appears, if it has passed the 8th of this month and it is May, it is likely to refer to August.

English letters appear

Usually represents someone's surname, perhaps C stands for "Zhang", or "Zheng", etc., while K may stand for surname "Jin", etc.

Birds or things like birds

It usually means that there will be some unexpected surprises or there may be good news. If it is a bird flying high, it means that something amazing will happen soon or something surprising will happen soon.

blank rectangle

Usually indicates the arrival of wealth, the larger the rectangle, the greater the wealth, so you can buy lottery tickets recently, or pay attention to the uniform invoice. As for whether you can keep money, you have to look at the moment when you open the cup and plate, the degree of pasting of the cup and plate; the tighter the stick, the less easy it is to leak money.

Snake-like shape

Usually it means something bad, especially around, maybe there are villains, or someone is plotting against you. In short, it is best not to have positive conflicts with others; if it is in the shape of S, it may also be related to surnames, such as "Xie" or "Xu".

Tubular appearance

If a tube appears on the wall of the coffee cup, it usually indicates travel, or there will be a migration aspect to it. The longer the shape of the pipe, the farther it is to go, and if it is a pipe with no end, it means that the journey is blocked and it is not easy to travel.

you experience eye

Usually indicates that people are jealous, the more eyes appear, the more serious the situation, pay more attention to their words and deeds.

Circles, lines, triangles appear

Circles usually represent good things, such as success; straight lines represent success; triangles also represent success, but mostly related to entertainment, communication and the arts.

Appearing stars or constellation-related patterns

If a star shape appears, it usually means that dreams and wishes come true. If there is a constellation symbol pattern, or symbol, it indicates the nature of something, such as Aries on behalf of action too impulsive, and Libra, it may be related to love.

If the coffee grounds don't fall off the walls,

If there is a gap between the cup wall and the cup wall, it means that there is still room for sparse hair. If there is no gap, it means that the questioner needs to talk to someone and try to say the pressure in his heart.

unicorn appears

Unicorns usually represent secrets and fantasies in someone's heart. If unicorns appear, they usually represent unknown secrets in their hearts, such as affairs or love triangles.

Other abstract patterns

In fact, coffee divination, the most important thing is to play their imagination, the pattern gives people the first feeling, is the most important. Try to catch the inspiration at first sight, it is the most important!

Wishes after coffee divination

In fact, after coffee divination, you can also use the water flow in the coffee plate to make a wish divination yo! The main method is to make one or three wishes in your mind, then hold the plate vertically and let some of the remaining water flow down the plate; the first stream of water flowing down represents the first wish, the second stream represents the second wish, and so on.

The length of the current represents the length of time for the wish to be realized; if the water trace of the current is very long, even to the other side of the plate, it means that it will take a long time for the wish to be realized; if there is no flow, it means that the wish will not be realized for the time being.