Coffee review

An authoritative report on caffeine in the Encyclopedia of Fine Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After consuming a large amount of caffeine for two years, my face did not change my face and my heart did not beat. On the contrary, I was physically and mentally refreshed, and my stomach tasted delicious even if I had good teeth. Even if I drank coffee at night, I still enjoyed baby-like sleep. At least 3 cups of coffee a day had a record of more than 10 cups, but there were no spots and precipitates. On the contrary, continuous computer homework still did not grow acne caffeine. Why did the guy who made people talk about it?

After consuming a lot of caffeine for two years, I didn't change my face and my heart. On the contrary, I was physically and mentally refreshed. Even if I had good teeth and a delicious stomach, I still enjoyed "baby-like sleep" even if I drank coffee at night. At least 3 cups of coffee a day had a record of more than 10 cups, but there was no "spot precipitation". On the contrary, continuous computer homework still did not grow acne.

Caffeine, the guy who makes people talk about it, why is it so amazing to come to me?

Although we have long seen positive scientific introductions about caffeine in many materials, and have long wanted to introduce the true face of caffeine to more friends in combination with actual experience, but for fear that the lack of evidence will be accused of being the "trust" of caffeine, modern society pays attention to "scientific verification", so today we will use this report of the International Food Information Committee to unravel the mystery of caffeine.

I would like to use this literature to all compatriots who reject caffeine, misunderstand caffeine, hate caffeine, fear caffeine, wonder about caffeine, want to know about caffeine, like caffeine, consume a small amount of caffeine, consume a lot of caffeine, and benefit greatly from caffeine. May all compatriots approach caffeine, understand caffeine, scientifically understand caffeine, consume caffeine rationally, and enjoy caffeine as much as possible. Let's shout: caffeine is good for your health!

International Food Information CouncilFoundation International Food Information Committee

About caffeine.


The word caffeine must be familiar to everyone. Humans have been drinking caffeinated foods and drinks for thousands of years. Caffeine is one of the most studied elements in food. however, there are still many disputes and misunderstandings about caffeine. This report will focus on some hot topics about caffeine and clarify some scientific facts.

The history of caffeine

* 2737 BC.-China began to process tea into tea drinks

* AD 575. Coffee originated in Africa

* 11th century-Arabs began to drink coffee

* 1519-the Aztecs introduced cocoa to Spanish explorers

* 1880s-the first caffeinated drink

Humans have been eating caffeinated diets for thousands of years, and so far these diets have become part of the culture of some countries, such as Chinese tea.

Caffeine Quick fact

* generally found in the seeds, leaves and fruits of plants

* found in coffee, tea, cocoa and some soft drinks

* sometimes used as an aromatherapy

Caffeine is found in the leaves, seeds and fruits of many plants, the most common of which include coffee, cocoa beans, Guarana and tea. Caffeine is also added to some drinks to add a small amount of bitterness. This special bitterness is used to reconcile the main sweetness and other ingredients in the drink.

Caffeine intake

* expert advice: appropriate intake

* equivalent = 300 mg; usually 3 cups of coffee

* Adult intake of 200mg per day (Food &

Chemical Toxicology, 1996)

The content of caffeine varies according to the type, method and quantity of food, and for coffee and tea trees, the content of caffeine also depends on the species.

Caffeine intake in children and teenagers generally comes from tea and soft drinks, while adults over the age of 25 mainly come from coffee.

Caffeine metabolism

* mild central nervous system excitement

* the efficacy of caffeine is different

* caffeine breaks down within a few hours after intake

The effect of caffeine varies from person to person. It depends on a variety of factors, including caffeine intake and frequency, weight and physique. Some people do not interfere with sleep even at night, some people can only consume caffeine during the day, and some people even a little caffeine can cause insomnia. Caffeine does not stay in the body for a long time. It is usually broken down within 4 hours.

Related problems

* moderate caffeine intake is safe and cannot be misunderstood as drug abuse

* after regular caffeine intake is suddenly suspended, some people will feel temporarily uncomfortable.

Caffeine intake can promote the excitement of the central nervous system. Although caffeine is often considered "addictive", moderate caffeine intake is actually safe and cannot be considered "drug abuse". When regular caffeine intake is suddenly interrupted, people will feel temporary discomfort such as headache, tiredness, etc., but these symptoms are short-lived and last only a few days.

Caffeine and its function

* can improve the degree of alarm and the function of the human body.

* improve physical endurance

* enhance brain function

Moderate caffeine has a positive effect on both physical and mental health. Studies have shown that caffeine helps improve memory and logical reasoning, as well as reaction speed and auditory and visual accuracy.

Women's health

* Women have doubts about caffeine and health

* Research supports moderate caffeine intake, including pregnancy, lactation, menopause, etc.

Some major medical organizations and experts such as the United States Food and Drug Administration have unanimously agreed that moderate caffeine intake is safe for normal people. Women can also use caffeinated foods and drinks, and some women may have mild caffeine allergies during pregnancy. A variety of scientific studies have shown the relationship between caffeine and women's health, from breast disease to osteoporosis, and most medical scientists and scientists agree that moderate (300 mg a day) caffeine intake is safe for women.

Caffeine and reproductive health

* Reproductive capacity: caffeine intake does not affect reproductive capacity

* miscarriage: ongoing studies have shown that caffeine has no effect on abortion

Science has proved that moderate caffeine intake does not affect fertility. Although there have been reports about the effects of caffeine on pregnancy, more recent authoritative reports have shown that caffeine intake has nothing to do with infertility and moderate caffeine intake has no effect on miscarriage. Of course, pregnant women can consult their doctor about their caffeine intake and reduce their caffeine intake appropriately.


* 1-3 cups of coffee per day is normal.

* more than 3 cups may cause insomnia and affect breast-feeding in children

A report on drugs by the American Academy of Pediatrics points out that limited caffeine intake does not affect breastfeeding. Although caffeine can be transmitted to the baby through breast milk, the amount of caffeine is small, as long as the mother does not overconsume it and will not affect the baby.

Breast disease

* caffeine intake has nothing to do with breast lumps and other diseases

Major medical institutions such as the National Cancer Research Center have shown that caffeine intake does not cause breast disease and has nothing to do with breast cancer.

Caffeine and children

* except for babies, children metabolize caffeine faster than adults

* Children are not more sensitive to caffeine than adults

Children generally consume less caffeine than adults, just in proportion to their bodies. Except for infants, children metabolize caffeine faster than adults. It is recommended that children consume the relevant proportion of caffeine according to their body. Contrary to popular belief, children, including those with ADHD, respond to caffeine in a similar way to adults. Moreover, there is no evidence of a link between caffeine and ADHD in children.

Caffeine and health problems

* Osteoporosis: adequate calcium intake, such as a small amount of milk, counteracts the potential effects of caffeine on osteoporosis

Because caffeine intake has a slight effect on calcium loss, it is speculated that caffeine intake may cause osteoporosis. In recent years, scientists have conducted a number of studies on this problem in 30-year-old women. Menopausal women's caffeine intake tests show that caffeine intake has no effect on bone health. Recent studies have also suggested that an effective way to maintain bone health is adequate calcium intake, especially during puberty.

* Heart disease: some people have a brief rise in blood pressure and panic, especially after climbing a flight of stairs.

There have been more than 100 studies on the relationship between caffeine and blood pressure, arrhythmia and coronary heart disease, and most studies have shown that moderate caffeine intake does not pose a risk to cardiovascular disease.

Some people who are allergic to caffeine may experience a brief rise in blood pressure and panic, especially after climbing a flight of stairs. However, caffeine does not cause cardiovascular disease, nor does it cause an increase in blood pressure. People with high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease can consult their doctor when consuming caffeinated foods.


* some reports that caffeine has a "dehydration" effect are nonsense.

* the diuretic effect of caffeine will be offset by the intake of caffeine-related beverages

* caffeine intake reduces fluid imbalance in the body

In some related literature reviews, the claim that caffeine causes dehydration has been proved to be lack of scientific basis. Caffeinated drinks, like fruit juices, milk and fruits and vegetables, play a positive role in maintaining the body's overall hydration.

Substances containing caffeine and their content

Food type caffeine average caffeine content limit

* Coffee (240 cc) 100 60-180

* Tea (240 cc) 40 20-90

* soft drinks (240 cc) 24 20-40

* Cocoa drinks (240 cc) 6 3-32

* Chocolate Milk (240 cc) 5 2-7

* Milk Chocolate (1 oz) 6 1-15

* Dark Chocolate (1 ounce) 26 26

The table above shows the amount of caffeine in various foods, which will help us maintain a moderate caffeine intake. The recommended moderate consumption is 300 mg a day, which means we can drink 3 cups of coffee, 7.5 cups of tea, 12 cups of soft drinks a day, and chocolate skim milk is also a delicious, low-calorie diet.

What does this mean to us?

* researchers continue to study coffee and health issues

* A great deal of science has proved that moderate caffeine intake is safe

* moderate intake is the key

Because of the widespread caffeine intake, the U. S. Food and Drug Safety Administration and some experts have conducted extensive studies to prove the safety of caffeine. Due to the remaining questions about caffeine and doubts about caffeine and food, experts will continue to study, these consistent findings apply to all people, caffeine intake is safe.

For pregnant women and children, caffeine intake is the same as other nutritional factors, moderation is the key.