Coffee review

Unique Chinese coffee amorous feelings

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Analysis of the office coffee culture of modern Chinese white-collar workers where a more decent Office, there are always two shiny coffee pots, and coffee is provided free of charge around the clock. A little more particular, there will even be a small coffee shop for employees to enjoy during the break. As a result, the jingling music of stirring coffee with a metal spoon here has turned into an enterprise.

An Analysis of the Office Coffee Culture of Modern Chinese White-collar Workers

For a more respectable Office, there are always two shiny coffee pots, and coffee is provided free of charge around the clock. A little more particular, there will even be a small coffee shop for employees to enjoy during the break. As a result, the jingling "sweet music" issued by metal spoons stirring coffee here has become a kind of corporate culture.

For the boss of the company, supplying free coffee is actually a strategy of "beating a whip and rewarding a sweet jujube". As we all know, the better the welfare benefits of Office, the more stringent the management. The atmosphere of silent office and the glance constantly glimpsed by Boss in the transparent glass room is an invisible weight, which makes people extremely nervous. So as long as you are wrapped in that uniform, you are always busy as if you were wound up, and you have to let people see the effectiveness of your work in the shortest possible time, because in Boss's eyes, "efficiency" is the first measure of employees.

You can imagine that in such a work environment, when you are frowning in the face of a thick pile of copywriting; when you have just been "nailed" by your boss, but your anger cannot break out and you dare not; when you work an all-night shift, dizzy but have to attend an important meeting, a cup of steaming, fragrant coffee is undoubtedly the most appropriate adjustment. Such a "gentle policy", which does not spend much money but is full of human feelings, is very acceptable to the employees, so the pain of the whipping is not so unbearable. Wherever Office is concentrated, business in coffee shops is sure to be booming.

White-collar workers like to "soak" in the coffee shop at noon or after work. Most of the companions are colleagues, who can speak freely after escaping from the depressed space in which even BP machines have to be placed in vibration files. The most enjoyable thing is to scold "boss" while sipping mellow coffee. As long as you work, you will inevitably have complaints, and most of your complaints come from your supervisor. Then feel free to curse, because your "boss" doesn't care about your scolding at the moment, and maybe he's cursing his "boss" in the coffee shop next door. Whether you or your boss, you have to go back to work honestly after you've had enough scolding, unless you have the courage to get that big envelope.

As a result, scolding the "boss" has become a "fitness exercise" enjoyed by white-collar workers. While employees scold the department manager, they may also worship the vice president in charge of them, while the department manager scolds the vice president whom employees admire. Sometimes he may admire some of the chairman's decisions. So it doesn't make sense to scold and be scolded after a few cups of coffee.

In addition to catharsis, another great significance of the coffee shop is that it also functions as an "intelligence station". What is the most popular product in the international market recently? Which Boss got promoted or resigned yesterday? At which important meeting, how did the boss decide the leader of Project III? Information from all companies, departments and levels is reported, communicated and collided here. In the meantime, dedicated people get partners, opportunities for promotion and unexpected RMB.

White-collar workers like to "soak" in the coffee shop at noon or after work. Most of the companions are colleagues, who can speak freely after escaping from the depressed space in which even BP machines have to be placed in vibration files. The most enjoyable thing is to scold "boss" while sipping mellow coffee. As long as you work, you will inevitably have complaints, and most of your complaints come from your supervisor. Then feel free to curse, because your "boss" doesn't care about your scolding at the moment, and maybe he's cursing his "boss" in the coffee shop next door.

Whether you or your boss, you have to go back to work honestly after you've had enough scolding, unless you have the courage to get that big envelope. As a result, scolding the "boss" has become a "fitness exercise" enjoyed by white-collar workers. While employees scold the department manager, they may also worship the vice president in charge of them, while the department manager scolds the vice president whom employees admire. Sometimes he may admire some of the chairman's decisions. So it doesn't make sense to scold and be scolded after a few cups of coffee.

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