Coffee review

Coffee knowledge Starbucks Starbucks Coffee making method

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, one。 Classic espresso (1) hot drink: 1. American coffee (cafe americano): ingredient: espresso (concentrated) + hot water features: better to retain the original mellow aroma of coffee, refreshing effect is better, the price (21 ~ 24 ~ 27) 2. Latte (cafe latte) ingredients: espresso+ milk + 1 spoonful of milk foam features: espresso mixed with hot milk, covered with a light layer of milk foam

one。 Classic espresso

(1) Hot drinks:

1. American coffee (cafe americano):

Ingredients: espresso (concentrated) + hot water

Features: better retain the original mellow aroma of coffee, better pick-me-up effect, price (21 ~ 24 ~ 27)

two。 Latte (cafe latte)

Ingredients: espresso+ milk + 1 spoonful of milk foam

Features: espresso mixed with hot milk, covered with a light layer of foam. The beauty of the traditional classic drink also lies in its simplicity. Price (25 28 31)

3. Cappuccino (Cappuccino)

Ingredient: espresso+ milk foam

Features: the difference with the latte is that it has half of the milk bubbles, so the taste is stronger than the latte, and the more delicate the milk foam is, the better, but drink it in time. It is difficult to drink when the milk bubbles are gone for a long time, so it is not suitable to take out. The price is the same as the latte.

4. Caramel macchiato (Caramel Macchiato)

Ingredients: vanilla syrup + milk + milk foam + espresso+ caramel sauce

Features: the first choice for girls drink, drink very good, sweet feeling, if the master craftsmanship is very good, drink delicate milk foam caramel macchiato is definitely a kind of enjoyment. The appearance is also quite beautiful. Price (29 32 35)

5. Mocha (Caff è Mocha)

Ingredients: chocolate sauce + espresso+ milk + cream

Features: a preferred drink, especially the white mocha (mocha with white chocolate sauce). This drink is very warm, suitable for girls and suitable for winter.

6. Espresso (espresso)

Composition: espresso

Features: espresso is the essence of espresso. Capacity single 30Ml

Separate orders and double copies. Heavy-flavored children's shoes can be tried, double concentrated (double 60Ml)

Price: 14 for one, 18 for double

7. Concentrated Campbell Blue (Espresso Con Panna)

Composition: espresso+cream

Features: a small cup of espresso with a circle of cream

8. Concentrated macchiato (Espresso Macchiato)

Ingredient: espresso+ milk foam

Cappuccino (Frappuccino)

Contains caffeine:

1. Coffee star ice music (Coffee Frappuccino)

two。 Caramel Coffee Frappuccino (Caramel Coffee Frappuccino)

Features: the ingredients can be seen by the name, so this is a caramel-flavored, coffee-containing Frappuccino with cream and caramel sauce. Caramel is made by heating sucrose or granulated sugar.

3. Mocha Frappuccino (Mocha frappuccino)

Features: chocolate-flavored caffeinated Frappuccino with cream on top.

4. Cocoa fragment Frappuccino (Java Chip frappuccino)

Features: in fact, there are cocoa fragments in the mocha cappuccino. What are cocoa fragments? Chocolate bran. With cream and chocolate sauce on it.

5. Espresso star ice music (espresso frappuccino)

Features: add a concentrated coffee star Frappuccino, so the coffee flavor is strong.


1. Vanilla star ice music (Vanilla cream frappuccino)

Features: vanilla smoothies with cream.

two。 Caramel Frappuccino (Caramel cream frappuccino)

3. Chocolate Frappuccino (Chocolate cream frappuccino)

4. Matcha star ice music (green tea cream frappuccino)

5. Mango passion star cappuccino (Mango Passion Fruit frappuccino)

Features: mango smoothies, very refreshing. What I want to tell you is that in addition to mango juice, there is also some black tea, so many children's shoes will wonder why there is a taste of tea in the end. If you don't like that taste, you can make it to go to tea.

Drip filter coffee and tea

1. Freshly brewed coffee (brewed coffee)

Features: this is the cheapest coffee you can find on menu (15, 18, 18, 21).

However, it is actually the most pure coffee that retains the flavor of coffee. Many people are willing to go into the store in the morning and order a drink this week.

We call him this week, he has a lot of names, special, this week, Heika, regular coffee

It is suggested that you like American children's shoes and try them for a change this week. They smell better and drink stronger. And most importantly, it is called this week because there is a new bean in the store every week to make this week. And our Italian drinks always use concentrated baked beans. So you can try the taste of different coffee beans.

two。 Mistol (misto)

Features: a very beautiful name, actually very simple, is half of this week half of the milk, but the price is higher than this week.

So the law of saving money came out by the way, directly asking the shop assistant to do this week, leave half the space to add milk, and make Mistol himself.

It is recommended to drink vanilla Mistol, that is, add a vanilla syrup to it, which is more mellow than a vanilla latte.

3. Chinese tea, English tea

Features: if there are really people who can't drink coffee and just want to drink tea, then. To tell you about the special Indian black tea, this tea has a very strong herbal flavor, so you need to be careful in your choice. There is no introduction to other teas.

4. Black tea latte (black tea latte)

Features: Latte means milk, so to put it bluntly, this is milk tea, tea with milk. Only black tea lattes meet the requirements. In fact, the ordering rate of this black tea latte is not very high, because it tastes a little bit. How to say, Taiyuan juice taste, normal people can not accept. All kinds of spices are added to the milk tea on the market. Starbucks'"milk tea" is all natural and has no additions.

5. Matcha latte (green tea latte)

Features: if the black tea latte is an unclassy star, then the matcha latte must be the queen of heaven. Without much introduction, I think everyone should have drunk it. Star drinks. Reminder, like matcha star Frappuccino, is made into semi-sugar.

Other Drinks

1. Classic hot chocolate (signature hot chocolate)

Features: chocolate milk, cream, mocha powder. A very popular drink in winter. You can try ice chocolate in summer, which is not bad. But if you order ice chocolate, be sure to tell your partner if you need cream. Because the formula has been changed, the price is different.

two。 Steamed milk, steamed soybean milk

Features: if someone comes in the morning, give me a cup of soy milk! Then, if he doesn't explain it to the guest, he will get a cup of steamed soy milk worth 17 yuan. Steamed milk is often ordered, especially for pregnant women!