Coffee review

Coffee basics how to distinguish a cappuccino from a latte

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, First of all, I would like to talk about the difference between Latte and Cappuccino. The only difference between them is the thickness of the top layer of milk foam. The milk bubble of Cappuccino is much thicker than that of Latte. This does not mean that the foam of Cappuccino is harder than that of Latte. If the foam on the Cappuccino you drink is dry and hard, it can only mean that it is a cup of unqualified milk.

First of all, I would like to talk about the difference between Latte and Cappuccino, the only difference between them is the thickness of the top layer of milk foam, Cappuccino milk foam is much thicker than Latte, thick here does not mean that Cappuccino milk foam is harder than Latte, if you drink Cappuccino above the foam dry hair hard caking can only mean that this is a cup of unqualified Cappuccino. Because the Latte foam is thinner, it is very easy to show white milk lines on the surface of the coffee, thus developing an art called latte art, as the name implies.

The pull flower here means that the barista uses the flower jar to directly inject the foamed milk into the espresso, and then forms some beautiful patterns on the surface of the coffee liquid without post-modification. The figure without post-modification refers to the figure that appears directly after the milk is injected into the full cup. The figure that has been decorated in the later stage is called carving, so to speak, as long as you can draw, you will carve. Painting is done on paper with ink, and carving is only painted on milk foam with coffee. However, it is much more difficult to draw flowers than carvings.

A cup of good latte should be made up of good espresso, good milk and good flower. Now many people are claiming that pull is not important, as long as you have a cup of delicious espresso, I think that most of the people who say this have lost confidence in their own pull, or even can not even make a good cup of espresso, this kind of unenterprising mentality should be despised by all of us. I think a very good barista, his espresso must also be very good, because he needs to spend a lot of time, a lot of coffee and a lot of milk to practice, he will even spend more time standing by the coffee machine than lying in bed. A good espresso is the most basic requirement of a coffee shop, but pulling flowers is good enough to better reflect the overall level of the shop. After all, customers go to your store to spend money. As a businessman, you should give customers both taste and vision.


The latte cup is bigger than the cappuccino cup, can hold more milk, and the milk flavor is heavier than cappuccino coffee. It is more suitable for breakfast coffee, which is refreshing and nutritious.


Cappuccino coffee cups are smaller and hold less milk, so coffee tastes heavier than milk and is more suitable for drinking in the afternoon.