Coffee review

General knowledge of fine coffee taboos on drinking coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, 1: when drinking coffee, do not spoon up the coffee to taste. 2: when drinking coffee, hold the handle of the cup with your index finger and thumb and drink it without picking up the coffee plate. When drinking coffee when standing and walking, you should pick up the plate, hold the cup in your left hand and hold the cup in your right hand. After drinking the coffee, put the coffee spoon on the plate. 3: when drinking coffee in a coffee shop, behave politely and don't stare at others. The softer the conversation, the better.

1: When drinking coffee, do not scoop coffee with a spoon to taste.

2: When drinking coffee, hold the cup with your index finger and thumb and drink it. The coffee dish does not have to be lifted. When standing and walking, drink coffee, you should lift the dish, hold the cup in your left hand, and put the coffee spoon into the dish after drinking coffee.

3: When drinking coffee in a coffee shop, behave in a civilized manner and don't stare at others. The softer the conversation, the better. Don't talk loudly regardless of the occasion.

4: When drinking CAPPUCCIONO in a restaurant, it is best to mix milk foam with coffee with a spoon, taste milk foam first, and then taste coffee. This way, he wouldn't drink it and turn into a beard.

The delicacy of coffee always coexists with the warm mind. To taste a good cup of coffee in the right way is not only easier to taste the delicacy of coffee, but also to live up to the mind of the brewer.