Coffee review

Coffee beans are green, also known as "green coffee".

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When it comes to Bordeaux in France, people may think more of the world-famous Bordeaux wine. But in fact, the commodity coffee in world trade has been closely related to the city of Bordeaux for many years. The first coffee shop in Europe appeared in the mid-17th century. With the development of coffee trade, the two French ports Le Alpha and Bordeaux have gradually become imports of coffee beans.

When it comes to Bordeaux in France, people may think more of the world-famous Bordeaux wine. But in fact, coffee, a commodity in world trade, has been closely linked to Bordeaux for many years. The first coffee houses in Europe appeared in the mid-17th century. With the development of coffee trade, France's two ports-Le Havre and Bordeaux gradually become the import of coffee beans trading center. For more than 300 years, coffee has left more than a legacy in Bordeaux.

Coffee beans are green, so they are also called green coffee. Green coffee is roasted before it becomes the common brown coffee bean. Roasted coffee beans after grinding, and then brewing or boiling water, only to become fragrant and delicious coffee. Bordeaux has many coffee-roasting shops, and although they are small, they do not lose out to the big companies. There is a roasting shop called Marshall that processes up to 125 tons of coffee beans a year. Marshall Griss, the owner of Marshall's, said the green coffee was aromatic and even tasted like wine after roasting, which was very attractive. Another roasting shop, Sabori, can supply 200 tons of coffee a year to cafes, restaurants and restaurants, and in order to do better, they have to adjust to customer requirements. It's actually not an easy job.

Because coffee beans come from different sources, they must be mixed to ensure consistency and ensure quality, said Henry Dales, head of Saboury's shop. There is also a roasting shop called Mogi, which is known for its unique Bordeaux flavor. Christopher, the owner of the store, said that although retail customers are increasing, their business has been difficult due to the economic downturn and the impact of large domestic and foreign companies. French coffee culture has a long history and is not as simple as eating and drinking. A cup of coffee with an afternoon sun and time, this is a typical French coffee, the important thing is not the taste but the kind of loose attitude and party.

French coffee is about the environment and mood, in the roadside small coffee table reading, writing, talking, kill time. Since the turn of the century, cafes have often become centres of social activity, clubs for intellectual debate, and even a typical symbol of French society and culture.