Coffee review

Environmental Protection and Utilization of Coffee 20 small uses of Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Needle pad fillers (Pin cushion filler) used dry coffee grounds are very good needle padding fillers for household use. Wrap them in small pieces of cloth, tie them with a rubber band, and place them in an egg cup or other small container. Coffee grounds prevent needles from rusting. Remove dead skin (Exfoliate skin) Coffee can reduce fat formation, thus making the skin smooth and tight

Needle pad filler (Pin cushion filler)

Used dried coffee grounds are very good filling materials for household needle pads. Wrap them in small pieces of cloth, tie them with a rubber band, and place them in an egg cup or other small container. Coffee grounds prevent needles from rusting.

Remove dead skin (Exfoliate skin)

Coffee can reduce the formation of fat, so it can make the skin smooth and tight, and the texture of coffee grounds can remove dead skin. You can use a spoonful of coffee grounds and half a tablespoon of olive oil, or you can add a drop of your favorite essential oil to make a "skin cream".

Drive out ants (Repel ants)

Sprinkle dry, used coffee grounds at home or in the yard where ants are infested, and the ants will leave. If the number of termites is large, pour a large pot of brewed coffee on the ant colony.

Fertilize plants (Fertilize plants)

If you sprinkle coffee grounds on the roots of plants that like acidic soil, the plants will grow better. Azaleas and blueberries are such plants. With the nutrition of coffee, they will grow well. You can also dilute the coffee liquid left in the coffee pot and pour it on potted plants (but make sure the coffee is free of cream and sugar!)

Keep your garden free from cats (Keep cats out of your garden)

There are fresh herbs, delicious fruits and fresh vegetables in your little garden, but there is a cat within a radius of 5 miles. It is very destructive and will spoil your garden. Using the same method above, sprinkle some coffee grounds on the soil and the cat will avoid it.

Scrub the surface (Scrub all kinds of surfaces)

Coffee grounds are mostly small particles and have weak acidity, so they can be used as surface cleaners for many objects, such as counters, tableware shelves, refrigerators and so on. It can be used alone or with a little bit of dish cleaner.

Automobile air freshener (Auto air freshener)

If you accidentally spill coffee grounds on the floor, don't just sweep them away and throw them into the dustbin. You can use them to make all-natural air fresheners. Use a pair of old female stockings and string to make an environmentally friendly air freshener. Refer to the introduction on the Instructables website for specific practices.

Grow mushrooms (Grow mushrooms)

Boiled coffee grounds can be used as carriers for all kinds of mushrooms, such as Pleurotus ostreatus. You can buy the tools you need to grow mushrooms from a company called back to Roots, including coffee grounds, mushrooms, and small sprinklers. This set of tools allows you to grow 1.5 pounds of mushrooms in 10 days.

Repelling fleas (Repel fleas)

After bathing your pet, grooming your pet with boiled, wet coffee grounds is much safer than using unsafe and potentially toxic chemical lice remover. Even if there are no fleas, you can give it to a pet who has just taken a bath.

Things smell good because they run around the house.

Beautiful vase fillings (Pretty vase fillers)

Spoiled or soiled coffee beans can also play a beautifying role. It can be used as a vase filling material, or in a barrel or jar full of pencils and pens. Not only do they look beautiful, but they also give off a good smell for a long time.

Used as an additive for worms to degrade garbage (Start vermicomposting)

The red software worm in the worm degradation garbage system likes coffee very much, but the reason is not clear. If you let worms eat waste (but things that look disgusting do work), add some coffee grounds to the foundation pit.

Secret weapon in Cooking (Secret recipe ingredient)

Adding a little coffee can make curry, ice cream and chocolate cake more delicious, which can also be your secret weapon. A little bit can be added when pickling the steak, which not only makes the steak more tender, but also gives it a smoky taste.

Repair furniture scratches (Touch up furniture scratches)

Add a little hot water to the instant coffee to make it paste, rub it on the scratches of solid wood furniture, and the scratches will disappear. You can do it a few more times until the color of the scratch is similar to that of the furniture.