Coffee review

Usage of drip filter pot for coffee brewing utensils

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, When the Frenchman Belloy invented the drip brewing method, his invention brought coffee making into a new era. The electric drip filter pot (machine) made by using the method invented by him makes it possible for delicious coffee to enter the family widely. The trickle filter pot is by far the most widely used simple and high quality coffee appliance, although today some people begin to criticize its simplicity.

When the Frenchman Belloy invented the drip brewing method, his invention brought coffee making into a new era. The electric drip filter pot (machine) made by using the method invented by him makes it possible for delicious coffee to enter the family widely. The trickle filter pot is by far the most widely used simple and high-quality coffee appliance, although today some people begin to criticize its simplicity and lack of technical content, but if we focus solely on the pros and cons of coffee, then, the trickle filter pot is the most ideal household coffee appliance, and it can even be asserted that it will not be replaced by some seemingly high-end and complex coffee machines. On the contrary, it will last a long time in the future household coffee appliance market for its simplicity and excellent performance in making delicious coffee. Because there is nothing to pay attention to in the coffee cup but the coffee itself.

How to use the drip filter pot:

1. Use a coffee pot to take the necessary cold water and pour it into the water tank of the drip filter (usually at the back of the pot). If you are in Beijing, it is best to use pure water.

2. Use the coffee spoon made by the drip filter to measure the coffee powder corresponding to the desired cup, and put it into the powder bin of the drip filter pot. Pay special attention to make sure that the filter screen or disposable filter paper in the powder bin has been placed properly before putting the powder. Do not put the powder in the powder bin without filter screen (paper), otherwise it will be a tragedy.

3. Press (toggle) the power switch of the drip filter to the ON position, the power indicator will light up, and coffee production will officially begin.

4. The whole process of making coffee takes about 3 minutes. First there is the sound of flushing, then the sound of flushing is accompanied by the sound of steam. When the call ends, it is told that the water in the water tank has been pumped out. At this time, no matter whether the coffee pot is short of some planned amount of coffee or not, the power supply should be turned off to the OFF position immediately, and the power lamp will go out. Don't worry, the undripped coffee will drop into the coffee pot without electricity and gravity, and your delicious coffee will not be lost.

5. When the coffee liquid drips out of the powder bin, the coffee has been made perfectly. Pour it into your cup and enjoy it.

Tips for using drip filter pots:

1. In the third step, we reminded you that the intention of turning off the power at the end of the steam call is not to use the thermal insulation function of the electric coffee maker. Because, in the case of external heat source heating, heat preservation will make the coffee become bitter and turbid.

2. Please do not buy a trickle filter pot that is too inferior because it is cheap, not to mention what is wrong with its heating system, just in terms of the safety of the materials it uses, we do not recommend you to use drip filter pots that are generally less than 100 yuan.

3. In order to make the taste of coffee more pure, we recommend that you use disposable filter paper. You can compare the coffee made with drip filter paper and the filter screen of the coffee pot under the same circumstances. You will find that the alcohol thickness of the former coffee is more excellent, this is because the use of drip filter paper can increase the steaming time of coffee powder, so that the aroma in the coffee can be extracted more fully.

If the coffee you use is fresh enough, you can see a layer of golden oil floating on the coffee liquid during the making process and after pouring it into the cup, which is a symbol of fresh, high-end coffee.