Coffee review

Coffee culture knowledge drinking coffee is an imported habit

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Compared with China's long-standing tea culture, drinking coffee is really an imported habit. Although there are countless coffee shops in Shanghai, if you want to drink to your own taste, you have to cook it in your own home. If you have a low-utilization bar at home, why not turn it into an exclusive coffee bar, cheer up here in the morning and start your day's work, weekend nights


Compared with China's long-standing tea culture, drinking coffee is really an imported habit. Although there are countless coffee shops in Shanghai, if you want to drink to your own taste, you have to cook it in your own home. If you have a low-utilization bar at home, why not turn it into an exclusive coffee bar, cheer up here in the morning, start the day's work, and invite friends to come over for a drink on weekend evenings and chat until dawn.

People who have time to patiently brew coffee at home every day are usually very demanding on the quality of life and want to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere and make a cup of personalized coffee that cannot be copied by hand, instead of just buying a fully automatic capsule coffee machine. to make mechanized drinks. The taste journey of the private coffee bar should be a slow three-stage style, from the rich smell of ground beans to the layers of flavor of coffee powder extracted and filtered in hot water, and finally into the coffee cup in hand to bring refreshing coffee fragrance. Each step requires a detailed cooperation of techniques, utensils and the environment.

Since we are brewing coffee at home, it is too perfunctory to buy ready-made coffee powder to make it. Coffee beans are easier to preserve than coffee powder, and in this cold winter, the sound and smell of grinding beans are warm, and only freshly ground coffee has a pure mellow. If you like to try various flavors of cooking, a bean grinder that can grind coffee powder of different sizes is a must at home. If the countertop of the coffee bar is small and the bearing capacity is insufficient, then the light and easy-to-clean electric blade bean grinder is a more practical choice; people who pay special attention to the thickness of coffee powder can also choose a stone-grinding electric bean grinder to adjust the particle size. If you are keen on pure handcraftsmanship and want to create an old-fashioned cafe atmosphere at home, then the retro hand grinder is undoubtedly the most fun equipment and decoration.