Coffee review

The basic knowledge of coffee beans how to tell the difference between male beans and female beans of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Male bean is a variety of coffee beans, which mainly refers to Peaberry or caracoli, also known as small round beans. And gongdou is just a common name in Chinese. The common bean can be said to be a flaw in botanical theory, which can be caused by two kinds of causes. one is that the coffee is damaged by insects before it is fruited, and it may also be due to the influence of factors such as prolonged drought or uneven nutrition.

Male beans are a variety of coffee beans, mainly referring to Peaberry or caracoli, also known as small round beans. And Gongdou is just a common name in Chinese. In botany theory, the male bean can be said to be a defect. There are two causes: one is because the coffee is damaged by insects before it bears fruit, and the other is because the coffee tree is affected by factors such as drought or unbalanced nutrition. In addition, coffee beans growing at the end of the branches of the coffee tree also have the opportunity to appear this phenomenon.

How do you tell the male or female coffee beans? The method is very simple, originally related to the appearance of coffee beans. The coffee beans after peeling off the peel and pulp, if they have been divided into two halves, like split peaches, this is the female coffee, if the round whole, called male coffee. It is said that male coffee tastes better, but because the quantity is too small, only one coffee bean in an average of 100 coffee beans is male. This is one of the more interesting coffee facts.

Coffee farmers who grow coffee generally don't pick it out for sale, and this difference is really hard to find if you don't hit or touch it on the spot. May of each year is the ripening period of Brazilian coffee, and it is actually the right time to learn about the gender of coffee. As the saying goes, things are rare for expensive, of course, coffee is public for expensive. What is "coffee"? Shen Nien-tsu, who has studied coffee for many years, says that in normal coffee trees, when the fruit is ripe, it is impossible to distinguish between male and female. You have to open the fruit to see the shape of the beans inside. The round beans are male beans, and the flat ones are female beans. Peaberry, Chinese called small round beans, a coffee tree is only 5% male beans, the rest are female beans.

Peaberry, Chinese called round beans, a coffee tree is only 5% male beans, the rest are female beans. In fact, male beans are coffee beans in the growth period of deformity, general coffee beans have two Douban, male beans are only one Douban, but also known as a single bean, a Douban absorption of nutrients more, coffee beans color, shape, particles are relatively large, boiled coffee fragrance constantly sweet, the number is relatively small, so there is a dream coffee called. Both domestic and foreign brands of coffee to join the market in hot demand.

However, because the quantity is too small, only a few coffee beans in an average hundred coffee beans are male beans. Coffee farmers who grow coffee generally don't pick it out for sale, and this difference is really hard to find if you don't hit or touch it on the spot. Of course, there are also individual businesses that sell public beans. But as the saying goes, things are expensive, and of course coffee is expensive with beans.

The male bean is slightly smaller in size and forms a jujube hu-like shape. The female bean is larger than the male bean and has a semi-jujube-like appearance. Mother bean coffee taste slightly bitter, sour, coffee taste thick, need to add partner or milk to drink. Male beans taste mellow, no sour taste, like black coffee taste, male beans are most suitable. In a single coffee tree, male beans account for only 5-10% of the total yield.

Male coffee is extracted manually from a mixture of coffee beans. Coffee powder sold in the market is mostly a mixture of male and female beans.

The correct expression is "flat beans" and "round beans Peaberry." Under normal circumstances, a coffee berry will have a flat bean (seed) divided into two halves, but in a few cases the inner seed does not divide, but presents a round bean with complete oval particles. Generally speaking, the yield of round beans is about 1/50 of that of flat beans.

Peaberry beans are currently available in the coffee franchise market, and a well-known example is Kona coffee beans, which are grown in Hawaii and about 5% of the beans are peaberry. In addition, about 5% to 10% of Tanzania coffee Peaberry fruits will also appear peaberry type, and the beans grow very small.