Coffee review

There are three ways to make black coffee. There are three different coffee pots.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are three ways to make black coffee, so there are three different types of coffee pots: traditional follicle type, siphon type and electric type. The traditional follicle style is the most primitive and the simplest way to do it. The coffee pot is composed of a funnel, a piece of filter paper and a container below, but it requires high manual craftsmanship. If you handle it properly, you can make delicious coffee with a mellow taste. The price of this kind of pot

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There are three ways to make black coffee, so there are three different types of coffee pots: traditional follicular, siphon, and electric. The traditional follicular type is the most primitive and simplest tool. The coffee pot consists of a funnel, a filter paper and a container below, but it requires a high level of artificial craftsmanship. If you grasp it properly, you can cook the best coffee that tastes mellow. The price of this pot is very cheap, you can buy it for more than ten yuan. Follicle coffee pot suitable for stable feel, taste sharp coffee family. When choosing a follicular coffee appliance, pay attention to whether it is three holes or one hole, which is very important. Three holes drip faster, extraction time is short, coffee is lighter, one hole is the opposite.

Siphon type uses siphon principle, under the combustion of alcohol, when the water temperature in the lower container reaches 92 degrees Celsius, the water flow is sucked into the upper container with coffee powder, and after soaking and stirring, the coffee made returns to the original way. Due to the addition of a stirring process, this practice of black coffee flavor is stronger, but because there is no need to rely on manual technology to master, the practice is relatively simple. The market price of this coffee pot is mostly one or two hundred yuan.

The price of electric coffee pot is comparable to siphon coffee pot, it steeps water after boiling by electricity, so black coffee is the simplest, but because it is made with boiling water, the taste is slightly inferior. Comparatively speaking, electric coffee pot is more suitable for petty bourgeoisie, and afraid of trouble young people. Common electric coffee pots range in price from one hundred yuan to three to five hundred yuan.

Although the traditional follicular type is the simplest, it is the original coffee pot that can best brew coffee; in the production process, it is necessary to accurately grasp the water temperature, water flow size and trajectory. Uniform water flow and circular trajectory can make coffee taste natural, so, the choice of kettle and hands when pouring water control is very important, water flow contact with coffee, should try to keep circular, from outside to inside, from inside to outside cycle, so that coffee and water flow full contact; At the same time, 92 degrees Celsius water temperature can make coffee fragrance, alcohol, sweet, acid, bitter uniform and strong, too high water temperature will scald coffee, so that the taste becomes sour, astringent; Low is difficult to brew coffee fragrance.