Coffee review

How to use the French filter press to make coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, French press pot, also known as pressure pot, originated in France in 1850, its principle is to release the essence of coffee by stewing in full contact with water and coffee powder. Due to its convenient use, it is only one more step than drinking instant coffee. It has become the coffee pot most commonly used by modern office workers. Today, Xiaobian will talk about the use method of French press pot, and

French filter press, also known as French pressure kettle, originated in France in 1850. its principle is to release the essence of coffee by soaking and stewing in full contact with coffee powder. Because it is easy to use, it is only one more step than drinking instant coffee. It has become the most commonly used coffee pot for modern office workers. Today, the editor will talk about the use of French filter pots. And how to use the method of pressing the pot to make coffee.

The French filter press is used in three steps, which is only one more step than drinking instant coffee:

1. Clean the kettle and coffee cup, wash and dry the inner wall of the kettle.


2. Put two flat tablespoons of coffee powder in a French pressure pot (the quantity depends on your taste and cup content)


Third, pour boiling water into the desired cup and stir with a coffee spoon after the injection is finished.



Fourth, put the pressure filter plug above the coffee liquid surface, and do not press it below the liquid level. After half a minute, gently press the filter plug net to the end, pour out the coffee and drink it. In the press-down filter plug net, the action must be slow, smooth, not rapid pressure.


Such a mellow cup of coffee has been extracted, which is only half a minute longer than making a cup of instant coffee, isn't it great?
