Coffee review

Coffee compares how organic coffee is different from traditional coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, How organic coffee differs from traditional coffee: coffee factories traditionally grow in shade trees and other food and commodity crops. This approach is done for healthier soil and prevented water pollution. Unfortunately, many coffee growers have abandoned this approach in favor of larger crops and greater profits. However, integrated pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers have become necessary


How organic coffee differs from traditional coffee:

Coffee factories traditionally grow in the company of shade trees and other food and commodity crops. This path is made for healthier soil and prevented water contamination. Unfortunately, many coffee growers have abandoned this path in favor of larger crops and greater profits. However, a combination of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers has become necessary to maintain these crops, and with them the taste of coffee suffers, the soil suffers, and no one knows the potential impact they may have on the future health of coffee consumers.

In addition, the loss of shade trees has a direct impact on migrating songbirds. Relationships are actually symbiotic when the apparent number of connections may not immediately come to mind. These birds used shade trees as their habitat, as they migrated to bear fruit, and they provided many natural defenses against bugs and insects that could destroy coffee crops. Without them, pesticides must be used to do the job.

Unlike large, commercial coffee plantations, organic coffee is generally planted under shade covers on small farms that have large numbers. There are plenty of migratory birds to control insects, and pesticides are redundant. In fact, the United States requires organic coffee to be grown on sheltered property and to be free entirely of chemicals for three consecutive years.

Coffee contains certain nutrients coffee nicotine contains vitamin b, and roasted coffee beans than green coffee beans more content. Others also contain free fatty acids, caffeine, tannin, etc.

Eight benefits:

Coffee is good for the skin Coffee can promote metabolic function, activate digestive organs, improve skin roughness. In addition, the use of coffee powder bath is a kind of thermotherapy, so that the whole body heat sweat and achieve weight loss effect.

Coffee has the function of hangover indeed, coffee will activate the liver or kidney, if drunk coffee, will make the acetaldehyde converted from alcohol quickly oxidized, decomposed into water and carbon dioxide and discharged from the body.

Coffee can eliminate fatigue. It can promote heart function, make blood circulation smooth, quickly supply oxygen and nutrients to the whole body, and help the liver process waste products from the body through the kidneys. This function of promoting metabolism can effectively eliminate fatigue.

Three cups of coffee a day can prevent gallstones Harvard University researchers found that men who drink two to three cups of coffee a day have a 40 percent lower chance of getting gallstones than those who don't drink coffee, while drinking more than four cups of coffee a day reduces the chance of getting gallstones to 45 percent.

Drinking coffee often may prevent radiation damage Radiation damage has become a more prominent pollution and harm. Especially the radiation of household appliances: such as long-term operation of computers, microwave ovens, televisions and so on. Radiation exposure, especially to pregnant women, has affected the health of the next generation. Reports of this are frequent.

Coffee health care medical function strong bones, waist and knees, appetite to promote food, eliminate fat accumulation, Li Qiao dehumidification, blood circulation, rest wind antispasmodic, antioxidant and heart care functions.