Coffee review

The amount of coffee to drink the most appropriate amount of coffee per day

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Now, coffee has become a fashionable drink, there are more and more cafes, young people like to go to cafes for parties, and coffee has become a must-have drink for many families. however, health experts warn that drinking more coffee is not beneficial. Although caffeine is not an addictive drug, experts believe that caffeine should not be quit too suddenly, lest it cause migraine-like problems or lead to

Coffee has become a fashionable drink, more and more cafes are open, young people like to go to cafe parties, coffee has become a must-have drink in many families, however, health experts remind everyone that drinking more coffee is not good. Caffeine isn't an addictive drug, but experts say it shouldn't be given up too suddenly to avoid migraine-like problems or spleen irritability. To quit coffee, it's best to take a gradual approach, reducing it a little each day until it's reduced to less than three cups. If you feel headache during the reduction period, temporarily maintain the current amount, no pain and then continue to reduce.


Health experts advise coffee drinkers and those who are sociable not to drink too much coffee, 2 to 3 cups a day is appropriate, in principle, no matter what kind of stimulating drinks are not more than 3 cups a day is better.

1. Canadian researchers have recently found that caffeine has adverse effects on people who already don't have enough insulin. Researchers have found that caffeine has an adverse effect on people with underlying type 2 diabetes, possibly triggering it. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes in Canada, accounting for 90% of all people with diabetes.

2. Smokers who drink three or more cups of coffee a day are four times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer, US scientists have found. Caffeine has adverse effects on normal cells, it can promote cell aging, the formation of pancreatic cancer can not be ignored, regular coffee drinkers than coffee drinkers are 2-3 times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer, at present, the United States each year about 20,000 people die of pancreatic cancer, at least half of which are caused by drinking coffee.

3. Harvard University researchers found that people who drink coffee are more likely to have bladder cancer, especially for women. If the risk of bladder cancer for those who drink only half a cup of coffee or no coffee per day is set at 1, then among those who drink more than 3 cups of coffee per day, the risk of bladder cancer for men is 1.31, and for women is 2.19. Japanese scientific research reports also say that among some patients with male stomach cancer, many people like to drink coffee.

4. Pregnant women who drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages are more likely to miscarry, and even if they do not miscarry, they are likely to give birth to a low-weight fetus, according to internationally published research. However, this result is currently controversial. Swedish researchers have recently obtained findings suggesting that small amounts of coffee or other caffeinated beverages consumed by pregnant women may not cause harm to the fetus. However, most researchers agree that pregnant women should not drink too much coffee.

5. Coffee contains caffeine components, with mild central nervous stimulation, appropriate drinking can reduce fatigue, enhance memory, reasoning and intelligence, hearing and visual response also become acute. At the same time, long-term absorption of excessive caffeine may trigger high blood pressure. The international medical community has also recently explored the possible effects of coffee on osteoporosis, hypertension, heart disease, weight loss, pregnancy and premature birth

Two theories about coffee cancer

One is that caffeine, the main component of coffee, plays a role in inducing tumors;

Another is that in the process of making coffee, poppy-like substances are produced, which have carcinogenic effects.