Coffee review

The steps of making iced coffee by yourself

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The weather is getting hotter and hotter, coffee lovers must be very upset, whether the coffee made with siphon pot, mocha pot, drip filter pot or automatic coffee machine is hot coffee, but it doesn't matter, we make our own iced coffee! Materials required: a cup of hot coffee (preferably with a higher concentration), fructose, milk, ice cubes: a shaker, a glass

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. Coffee lovers must be very upset. Coffee made by siphon pot, mocha pot, drip pot or automatic coffee machine is hot coffee, but it doesn't matter. Let's make our own iced coffee!

Required Materials:

A cup of hot coffee (preferably strong), fructose, milk, ice

Required utensils:

A shaker, a glass

Production steps:

1. First, make a cup of strong black coffee with your own coffee machine

2. Put the right amount of ice into the shaker

3. Pour the cooked coffee, milk (also available as creamer), fructose (granulated sugar, sugar can be mixed) into a shaker with ice cubes

4. Cover the shaker, hold the three parts of the shaker in both hands, shake it vigorously, and pour it into the glass.

5, iced coffee is finished, enjoy the charm of iced coffee

According to personal taste characteristics, milk, fructose can be self-deployment!




iced coffee