Coffee review

The eight common uses of coffee grounds can be both skin care and cleaning.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, First, skin care and beauty 1. Rub the lower limbs or needed parts with it to reduce the tissue of orange peel. two。 Mix it with egg whites to make a mask. Apply it and wait for it to dry, then rinse with water. 3. Coffee grounds can also be used instead of conditioners to make hair softer and brighter. 4. Mix with water or soap to become an effective all-natural scrub and peeling cleaner. 5. Mix used hot coffee grounds

Skin care and cosmetology

1. Rub the lower limbs or needed parts with it to reduce the tissue of orange peel.

two。 Mix it with egg whites to make a mask. Apply it and wait for it to dry, then rinse with water.

3. Coffee grounds can also be used instead of conditioners to make hair softer and brighter.

4. Mix with water or soap to become an effective all-natural scrub and peeling cleaner.

5. Mix the used hot coffee grounds with coconut oil or water, circle the skin for a few minutes and then wash it to lose weight and have the effect of "firming" and smoothing the skin. Caffeine is a major ingredient in high-priced cellulite removal creams. Caffeine speeds up metabolism and reduces cellulite accumulation.

Second, cleaning function

1. Clean the kitchen workbench. But pay attention to thoroughly clean with water, so as not to leave brown traces.

two。 Pour coffee grounds into the sink and wash the sink with water to remove the stench and grease from the drain.

Third, remove the odor.

1. After using the refrigerator at home for a period of time, it is easy to produce peculiar smell due to the relationship between iced fish and meat. As long as you use a deeper plate, spread a layer of coffee grounds (either dry or wet) and put it in the refrigerator (frozen or refrigerated) and replace it every two or three days, you can quickly eliminate the smell and there is no need to buy extra refrigerator deodorant.

two。 Put dried coffee grounds in socks or * and tie a knot. It can remove the smell from sneakers, cabinets and cars.

3. Put the coffee grounds in the ashtray to remove the smell of smoke

4. Put coffee grounds in the bathroom to effectively remove the bathroom and prevent moisture.

5. The pot smells like oil after it has been used for a long time. Stir-fry the wet coffee grounds in the pan until dry, and the smell can be removed. After eating food containing garlic, have a cup of coffee to refresh your breath.

6. Nowadays, many drivers mostly buy car aromatherapy to remove the smell in the car. Using coffee grounds can not only remove the smell in the car, but also add a touch of coffee aroma, refreshing and refreshing. Why not?

7. After chopping garlic and onions, after handling the fish, rub your hands with coffee grounds to dispel the smell.

4. Dehumidification

Because coffee grounds are like activated carbon, there are countless pores that can absorb moisture. Therefore, when the dry coffee grounds are canned, the lid can be opened to absorb the moist air and odor.

5. Disinfestation

1. Sprinkle some coffee grounds on the crack to drive away the ants.

two。 Bathe your pet with coffee grounds to get rid of lice

6. Make fertilizer

As a potted fertilizer, you don't have to dry it. You just need to pour the cold coffee grounds on the cultivated soil of the potted plants to achieve the fertilization effect.

VII. Furniture repair

If there are scratches on the wooden furniture, wipe them with a cloth soaked in coffee. The scratches will soon disappear.

VIII. Dyeing

Coffee grounds is also a natural dye that can be used to dye hair, paper, textiles and wood products.