Coffee review

Cultural History of Fine Coffee Coffee Communication History (2)

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The first European description of coffee in 1573 was through German doctors staying in Syria. In the second half of the 16th century, the European people who traveled on the east coast of the land gradually spread. The British East India Company was established in 1660 and the East India Company was established in the Netherlands in 1602. The East India Company refers to the trade between Asia and Europe, South Asia and the East in the 17th and 19th centuries.


Europeans' initial description of coffee was through German doctors staying in Syria. In the second half of the 16th century, the European people who traveled on the east coast of the land gradually spread.


The British East India Company was established, and the Dutch East India Company was established in 1602. The East India Company is a general term for the companies of European countries engaged in trade between Asia and Europe and operating colonies in South and Southeast Asia in the 17th and 19th centuries. During this period, the Arabs transmitted coffee trees to India.


The first kind of coffee in Europe spread to Venice when it was brought back from Turkey by a French expert, and it is also said that Venice merchants already had coffee at the end of the 16th century.


There are already more than 300 coffee shops in Cairo, when Cairo coffee is sweetened.


For the first time in Europe, Dutch businessmen shipped coffee from the Yemeni port of Muha to Amsterdam.

The first coffee shop appeared in Venice in 1645, and coffee became a common drink in Italy.

The image of an early aristocrat drinking coffee in a Venice coffee shop


The first coffee shop in England was born (opened by Jews in Oxford).


The first cafe was born in London. (driven by Greeks)

Cafes in London in the 17th century


France imports coffee for the first time (from Egypt to the port of Marseilles)


The first coffee shop opened in the Hague, the Netherlands.

What a Dutch coffee shop looked like in 1650


Britain snatched New Amsterdam from Hualan and renamed it New York. Four years later, coffee spread to North America.


Coffee spread to North America.


Coffee came into Germany.


The first cafe (run by Armenians) appeared in Paris. Before opening this shop, I used to walk along the streets of Paris with pots and sell coffee. In that year, Louis XIV began his second invasion of the Netherlands.

A typical Paris Cafe in the early 19th Century


The first cafe opened in Vienna (Polish). After the defeat of the encirclement troops in Vienna, Turkey left a large number of coffee beans in Vienna, which were used by the cafe.


After French doctors applied milk coffee to medical treatment, milk coffee became popular in France.


The world's first salon-style coffee shop, Proctor's Cafe (run by Sicilians), was born in Paris. Procept Cafe is a salon cafe of thinkers and writers. After that, salon-style cafes were born one after another.