Coffee review

What's the difference between a coffee maker and a coffee maker?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Nowadays, in the home appliance store, people can see not only the expensive automatic coffee machine, but also the coffee pot. The price of a coffee maker is much lower than that of a coffee maker, about a few hundred yuan, so is a coffee maker and a coffee maker the same thing? We have already introduced the coffee maker before, so how does the coffee pot make coffee? Most coffee pots don't have one.

Nowadays, in the home appliance store, people can see not only the expensive automatic coffee machine, but also the coffee pot. The price of a coffee maker is much lower than that of a coffee maker, about a few hundred yuan, so is a coffee maker and a coffee maker the same thing?

We have already introduced the coffee maker before, so how does the coffee pot make coffee? Most coffee pots have no fine grinding and brewing function, the function is very simple, usually only need to put the coffee powder into the filter, and then through the process of adding water, boiling, brewing and so on, to make coffee. There are two kinds of coffee pots, siphon and drip filter, that are common on the market.

Advantages: coffee brewed in a coffee pot usually tastes better than instant coffee. Disadvantages: due to the direct use of coffee powder, milk, sugar and other seasonings can not be added, in the workmanship, the material and temperature control effect of the ordinary coffee pot can not be compared with the professional coffee machine. According to the milk ratio and grinding time setting, the coffee maker can easily make cappuccino and other specific flavors of coffee, at this point, the coffee maker is obviously not comparable to it.