Coffee review

Three waves of Coffee Culture

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Do you know? So far, coffee has formed three representative cultural waves in the process of spreading. What represents the three waves of coffee culture? What is the number of coffee waves? It is said that in 2002, coffee roaster Trish Rosig published the third Wave of Norway and Coffee, which revealed the three waves of evolution of coffee for the first time. The first wave: the age of instant coffee, the quality is not good.

Do you know? So far, coffee has formed three representative cultural waves in the process of spreading. What represents the three waves of coffee culture? What is the number of coffee waves?

It is said that in 2002, coffee roaster Trish Rose published the third Wave of Norway and Coffee, which revealed the three waves of evolution of coffee for the first time.

The first wave: in the era when instant coffee was popular, the poor quality led to the consumption of coffee.

The second wave: fresh concept of fresh grinding, Starbucks introduced Italian cappuccino and latte, packaged into fashionable drinks. Drive the second wave of boutique coffee fashion.

The third wave: to put it simply, it is the pursuit of the original flavor of coffee, just like Starbucks' heavy baked Italian concentrate, although the taste of coffee beans is not bad, but the real flavor of coffee beans does not stop there. Like the fruit aroma of African beans and the mellow bitterness of Indonesian beans. This is just a large area in general terms. Different elevations, different ways of treatment, different manors, the flavor is completely different.

Italian relies on re-baking to produce oil, which in turn destroys those subtle flavors. Therefore, the third wave of the tide is to use shallow roasted manor beans to taste handmade black coffee, which requires more and more precision and beautification of coffee.

The third wave of fans must say that so-and-so coffee contains nutty flavor, berry flavor, citrus flavor, honey flavor, chocolate flavor. Coffee contains a great treasure of taste. Extract these. It is the third wave of kingcraft, the artifact of petty bourgeoisie, and the secret meaning of forcing the case.

Well, knowing this, you can also smile nobly and coldly and fight with the petty bourgeoisie in the "second wave" and gently say to them, "isn't that how you drink coffee? don't you know? why don't you come to my house and make your hand-made coffee?" It seems that he is already the spokesman of the force, the trend rider of the times, harvesting those simple eyes thirsty for knowledge.