Coffee review

The main factors affecting the quality of hand-brewed coffee are as follows.

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, The freshness of coffee beans roasted coffee beans within a week is the period of their best flavor. With the passage of time, the aromatic molecules in coffee beans continue to volatilize and absorb the peculiar smell in the air, the flavor of coffee beans will gradually lose, and the flavor has been lost after a month. Only bitter taste and bad taste leave ● water 98% of the ingredients in a cup of coffee is water. The quality and temperature of water

Freshness of coffee beans

The roasted coffee beans have the best flavor within a week. with the passage of time, the aromatic molecules in the coffee beans continue to volatilize and absorb the peculiar smell in the air, the flavor of the coffee beans will be gradually lost, and the flavor will be lost after a month, only bitterness and bad taste remain.

● water

98% of a cup of coffee is water. The quality and temperature of water affect the taste of coffee to some extent. In general, the trace elements contained in tap water or mineral water will react with the substances in coffee and affect the taste of coffee, and the excellent water quality will also have a bad effect on the taste of coffee, so pure water should be used in coffee extraction.

Secondly, about the water temperature: the most suitable water temperature for coffee extraction is between 88 and 93 degrees. Too high temperature will increase the bitterness of coffee, while too low temperature will make coffee too sour.

● extraction time

A reasonable grasp of extraction time is a point to pay attention to to make a good cup of coffee. Too long extraction time will cause excessive extraction, so that the bitter taste and bad ingredients in the coffee will be extracted, on the contrary, if the extraction time is too short, it will cause insufficient extraction, the coffee taste is too light, the taste is not rich enough.

Factors of ● baristas and drinkers

The previous ones are all objective factors, but this one is relatively subjective. Technical factors aside, this cup of coffee tastes good only when a barista is confident and earnest in making a cup of coffee. Coffee drinkers, according to their mood, have different degrees of understanding of coffee, and the taste of coffee they can feel will vary greatly.

So don't underestimate the 10% ratio, the extraction of coffee also has a great effect on the taste.

Although the above said a lot, but coffee production will not be particularly difficult, moderately roasted fresh boutique coffee beans + maker + heart can make a cup of coffee that you will never forget.