Coffee review

Afraid of getting fat when drinking coffee? Afraid you can't sleep? Teach you some tricks.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Are you afraid to drink coffee because you are afraid that you won't be able to sleep, or are you afraid that you will get fat because there is too much milk in espresso? If you have such a problem, LunA can answer you in five words, and it doesn't matter! In order to allay your concerns and make you enjoy a good cup of coffee more healthily, LunA specially imported ILLY brand decaf beans and skim beef.

Are you afraid to drink coffee because you are afraid that you won't be able to sleep, or are you afraid that you will get fat because there is too much milk in espresso? If you have such a problem, LunA can answer you in five words, and it doesn't matter!

In order to dispel your concerns and let you enjoy a good cup of coffee more healthily, LunA specially imported ILLY brand decaf beans and skim milk, any type of espresso can be converted to decaf and skim milk, and caffeine sensitive, fat-shy beauties, pregnant women and even minors can enjoy their coffee in LunA CAFE.

Decaf coffee, as its name implies, is coffee that contains only trace amounts of caffeine. Coffee contains many ingredients and substances, among which caffeine has an obvious effect on the human body. For many people who are addicted to coffee but whose physical condition does not allow caffeine, decaf is their "savior".

In general, the water content of raw coffee beans is 12%, the caffeine content is 1.2%, and some caffeine content can be as high as 2.4%. According to internationally recognized standards, the weight of caffeine in raw coffee beans treated with low caffeine shall not exceed 0.1% of that of raw beans, and powdered decaf coffee shall not exceed 0.3% of the weight. In other words, caffeine should not exceed 5 mg in a cup of decaf (usually 170 grams).

The bitter taste of decaf coffee is lighter than that of ordinary coffee, so MM who are afraid of bitterness can rest assured to drink it.

Caffeine itself actually helps to break down cholesterol in the body, so drinking black coffee not only does not make you fat, but also has the effect of reducing fat and losing weight. But the bitterness of black coffee is not acceptable to everyone and needs to be mixed with milk, so choosing skim milk at this time can eliminate your worries.

Do you have any concerns now? Come and enjoy your coffee life, it can not only increase your vitality and enjoy your time, but also have many benefits of drinking coffee.

Coffee contains certain nutrients. Nicotinic acid in coffee contains vitamin B, which is higher in roasted coffee beans. And there are free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid and so on.

Coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can promote metabolic function, activate digestive organs, and has a great effect on constipation. Taking a bath with coffee powder is a kind of thermotherapy, which has the effect of losing weight. Drinking a cup of coffee after a meal is also good for digestion.

Coffee has the function of relieving alcohol. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol will quickly oxidize the acetaldehyde converted from alcohol, decompose it into water and carbon dioxide and discharge it out of the body.

Coffee can relieve fatigue. In order to eliminate fatigue, we must supplement nutrition, rest and sleep, and promote metabolic functions, and coffee has these functions.

Three cups of coffee a day can prevent gallstones. For caffeinated coffee, it stimulates gallbladder contraction and reduces cholesterol, which is prone to gallstones. The latest Harvard University researchers found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less than 40% likely to get gallstones.

Drinking coffee regularly can prevent radiation damage. Radiation damage, especially the radiation of electrical appliances, has become a prominent pollution at present. Indian Barba atomic researchers have come to this conclusion in mouse experiments and say it can be applied to humans.

The health care and medical function of coffee. Coffee has the functions of anti-oxidation and heart protection, strengthening muscles and bones, benefiting waist and knees, appetizer, eliminating fat and accumulation, promoting orifice and dehumidification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving wind and relieving spasm and so on.

The influence of coffee on mood. Experiments show that the average person absorbs 300 milligrams of caffeine (about 3 cups of brewed coffee) a day, which has a good effect on a person's alertness and mood.