Coffee review

Coffee originated from African boutique coffee basic knowledge introduction to Ethiopian coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee originated in Africa and little is known about it. In fact, Africa Ethiopia is the hometown of coffee, producing the best Arabian coffee in the world. Soil, climatic conditions and an altitude of more than 2000 meters above sea level have enabled many African countries to create an ideal environment for the growth of coffee. Current coffee production in Africa

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: qjcoffeex

Ethiopia in Africa is not only the birthplace of coffee, but also a treasure trove of coffee genes. Among the tens of thousands of coffee tree species born in Ethiopia, the two varieties of iron pickup and bourbon alone have spread their leaves all over the world, creating the boutique coffee industry that is now booming in the world.

The varieties of Arabica coffee that we can see on the market today are all descended from iron pickup and bourbon through natural genetic changes, man-made genetic changes, and hybridization. Even so, there are still a large number of wild coffee populations in Ethiopia waiting for people to study and explore.

Because of the wide variety of coffee, most of the coffee grown by local farmers in Ethiopia is mixed, because it cannot be subdivided, so it is felt that some Ethiopian coffee beans are mixed varieties, collectively referred to as the Ethiopian original species (Heirloom).

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Even so, as long as coffee is grown in the same region / producing area, it can become a single product coffee bean (single product does not refer to a single variety, but a single producing area). Due to the mixed cultivation, the coffee beans produced by each variety of coffee trees are different in size and flavor, so Qianjie Coffee noticed that the coffee beans from Ethiopia are of different sizes and smell sour citrus fruits.

After medium-to-shallow roasting, Ethiopian coffee beans are rich in citrus sour, sweet and sour, refreshing taste, and subvert many friends' impression and understanding of coffee, so they are loved by most coffee consumers around the world.


Ethiopia now ranks first in Africa and fifth in the world in coffee production. Therefore, Ethiopian coffee beans have also become one of the indispensable partners for the introduction of many coffees, because of their high performance-to-price ratio and lack of the bitterness of traditional coffee, they are very popular with budding newcomers.

To this end, a washed coffee bean from the Yega Xuefei producing area of Ethiopia has become a member of the selected rations bean series in the Qianjie coffee producing area. This series of coffee beans focus on cost-effective, small packaging, so that consumers can feel the unique charm of Ethiopian coffee beans without spending a high price.


In order to enrich the aroma of coffee, Qianjie Coffee ensures that all coffee beans are shipped within 5 days after roasting, and that the coffee beans received are 100% freshly roasted.