Coffee review

Tasting coffee is like tasting life.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Tasting coffee is like tasting life. Like mocha coffee: coffee contains chocolate, cream and milk, the extremely sweet taste slightly masks the original bitterness of coffee, just like an unworldly teenager, the taste is only a beautiful and simple life; Royal Coffee: burning cube sugar with brandy aroma, mixed with strong coffee flavor, bitter with sweet.

Tasting coffee is like tasting life. Like mocha coffee: coffee contains chocolate, cream and milk, the extremely sweet taste slightly masks the original bitterness of coffee, just like an unworldly teenager, the taste is only a beautiful and simple life; Royal Coffee: burning cube sugar with brandy aroma, mixed with strong coffee flavor, bitter with sweet. Sugar burning moment, that dazzling flame in full bloom, such as sweet love; original coffee: just imported, bitter strong taste shock, and other bitter gradually fade down, will slowly turn into a kind of sweet, coffee has a unique sweet taste, and with some pleasant fresh sour taste, when a cup is done, between the lips and teeth has been wanton mellow. Occasionally, you still have to add some cream, ice cream or lemon to bring a new flavor, which occasionally gives you a different feeling.

I like coffee, but also lonely and leisurely. I like a quiet and calm life and know how to be kind to myself in the noisy city. Although the years let my face gradually grow old, it will not leave a complicated imprint on my body. What self-confidence leaves in the aroma of coffee is still the leisure and simplicity of life.

I like coffee, lofty and tolerant. With a good book and a cup of coffee, I can spend all my leisure time. When I have troubles, I will not talk to them needlessly, even to those closest to me. However, I know how to slowly release my emotions in the flowing aroma of coffee and slowly heal myself with constant reading. "if you give people roses, you will have a fragrance in your hands." I know that people and things should be more tolerant, and I should know how to love others and myself with a tolerant heart.

I like coffee, secular and affectionate. "I am not surprised to see the flowers blossom in front of the court. I have no intention of leaving or staying. I hope there will be clouds and clouds in the sky." It is the highest state of my life. Of course, sometimes in money, fame and even feelings, my heart will have a moment of confusion and doubt, however, it is only a wisp of smoke, a cloud, or a wave, a turn, like coffee, everything, will eventually be quiet at the end of the years.

I just need a cup of coffee to let me feel the mellow and bitter quietly. Then let the soul jump synchronously in the slow flow of the liquid and feel the warmth in the gloom.

There is no escape in life, only in a short time of my own, when I have coffee and words, when my heart is at rest, in a silent rainy night, I have a moment to leave. So I fell asleep and waited for the sunrise.

There is still rain in the middle of the night. My heart can dance! The memory will be stored in the corner of the heart, ushering in another bright morning, so that the horizon that a touch of purple, shake a shadow.