Coffee review

I'll tell you what kind of coffee is a good cup of coffee.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A good cup of coffee, not to mention the taste, first of all, its taste, must be comfortable, so that you can feel that the coffee is clean and odorless. Just like the advertisement of so-and-so: the heart follows the heart, and the pleasure is silky and silky. 1. What is ESPRESSO about ESPRESSO: ①? Use about 8 grams of deep-roasted coffee beans, ground into coffee powder, and then pass through 9 atmospheric pressure

A good cup of coffee, not to mention the taste, first of all, its taste, must be comfortable, so that you can feel that the coffee is clean and odorless. Just like the advertisement of so-and-so: "follow the heart, happy and silky", "silky feeling".

1. About ESPRESSO:

①, what is ESPRESSO? With about 8 grams of deep-roasted coffee beans, ground into coffee powder, and then through 9 atmospheric pressure and 92 degrees Celsius high-temperature hot water, with 15 seconds rapid extraction of 30 milliliters of strong coffee liquid called ESPRESSO.

② ESPRESSO, can you just drink it? Of course, ESPRESSO has a high content of caffeine and has a strong flavor and bitter sour taste, so it is difficult to adapt to the Asian tongue. Someone has to ask, "if you add some milk and foam to the ESPRESSO, won't it be easy to import?" Add, of course, can add, add can not be said to drink ESPRESSO. Using a small cup with a small amount of milk foam is called MACCHIATO, heating milk with a large cup and adding a small amount of milk foam on the coffee is called COFFEE LATTE, and using a large cup of heated milk with a large amount of milk foam (which can spill over) is called CAPPUCCINO. Drinking ESPRESSO alone is called SINGLE (25-30ml) or DOUBLE (50-60ml)

2. About DOUBLE:

① what is DOUBLE?DOUBLE here is the abbreviation of DOUBLE ESPRESSO (double espresso), which simply means that two ESPRESSO are placed in a small cup with a strong, mellow taste and choking throat. It's a special MAN coffee or drink. People who like to drink DOUBLE tend to spoil their tongue, and over time drinking other coffee is like drinking water. There are more extreme people who like to add wine to their DOUBLE, such as rum or whiskey, to pursue the satisfaction of being completely surrounded by taste.

The key points of ② drinking DOUBLE are:

Drink DOUBLE while it is hot and add brown sugar at the same time. Why add brown sugar? Because the yellow sugar dissolves slowly, shake the coffee quickly after adding the yellow sugar, so that although the yellow sugar is not completely dissolved, it has already made the DOUBLE taste like yellow sugar, so that the mouth is quickly filled with a small suck. DOUBLE is a signal to the mouth and brain or to the people around you ("Honey, I'm going to drink DOUBLE, please step back.") At this time, your mouth is filled with the smell of coffee, rich and mellow, you smash it twice, your face shows and enjoys. At this time, the yellow sugar should have been dissolved seven, seven, eight, eight, and then drink up. Yes, this is DOUBLE's way of pretending.

Notes on ③ drinking DOUBLE:

DOUBLE contains a large amount of caffeine, which can effectively promote the decomposition of fat cells in the blood, and then excreted in the form of fatty acids. To put it bluntly, you can lose weight, but you can just drink a cup of pretending to be forced, but don't drink it as water, drink seven or eight cups as soon as you drink, but you have to go to the hospital.

3. About Kopi Luwak

①, what is Kopi Luwak?

Kopi Luwak is produced by the feces of Indonesian coconut cats (a kind of civet) as raw materials, so it is called "Kopi Luwak". This kind of animal mainly feeds on coffee beans. After completing fermentation in the coconut cat's stomach, it destroys protein, produces short peptides and more free amino acids, reduces the bitterness of coffee, and then excretes feces as the main raw material. Because coffee beans cannot be digested, they are excreted and Kopi Luwak is made after washing and baking.

The key points of ② drinking Kopi Luwak are as follows:

There are different opinions about the taste of Kopi Luwak. Some people like it and others hate it. Others pretend that the aroma of the wine is so rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly rich, almost like syrup. Its thickness and chocolate taste, and lingering on the tongue for a long time, pure aftertaste. Others pretended that it tasted like rotten, lifeless taste. It's like petrified dinosaur shit in bath water. I can't finish it. However, Kopi Luwak is already very expensive as one of the most expensive coffee in the world (about $400 a kilo), okay?

The standard of a good cup of coffee

Smell the aroma of coffee first

If you feel fragrant, then the coffee beans in this cup of coffee are fresh and you want to drink them. The smell you smell is strange, so there is something wrong with the beans, so you don't have to continue to drink them. You can roll your eyes and say, "the waiter called your boss."

2. Coffee can be fully evaluated by drinking it while it is hot.

"drink while hot" is a necessary and sufficient condition for tasting coffee, because when the coffee is cold, the flavor value of the coffee will be much lower (flavor value [FLAVOR]: the overall impression of the aroma, acidity and mellowness of the coffee, that is, to describe the overall feeling of a cup of coffee). And its taste value is also the basis for judging the quality of a cup of coffee, but it is good that the average person's tongue can taste one or two out of ten, and there is no need to be harsh with the coffee tasters.

3. Coffee should be comfortable in taste

A good cup of coffee, not to mention the taste, first of all, its taste, must be comfortable, so that you can feel that the coffee is clean and odorless. Just like the advertisement of so-and-so: "follow the heart, happy and silky", "silky feeling".

4. No coffee can taste "astringent".

Strictly speaking, coffee has six flavors: fragrant, sweet, thick, sour, mellow and astringent. And a good cup of coffee is missing one, remove the astringency, leaving only the first five. If you taste the "astringent" taste when drinking a sip of coffee, please pretend confidently: "well, the coffee in this shop is not good." How did you put up with it in this store? "

5. Either a beautiful coffee or a good coffee.

Pull flowers come in a variety of strange styles and shapes, and there is no lack of baristas who think that pulling flowers is the life of coffee, so many baristas in South Korea can really be said to be gold and jade. Here, I can responsibly say that coffee is the icing on the cake. It doesn't matter if you get extra points for coffee. Taste actually comes first.

6. Roasting of coffee beans is the key to good coffee.

The coffee in general cafes (X Buck, M Coffee, etc.) is mixed with all kinds of coffee beans, "good and bad". Using a fully automatic coffee machine to grind out a cup of coffee, the temperature is enough, the quantity is enough, so the coffee made is general. But a good cafe is full of selected coffee beans. Baristas are also elites who have won a lot of prizes. now the baking and baking curve is strict, and the taste is good, which is a kind of feeling.