Coffee review

Analysis of the certificate of barista professional qualification certification of barista

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Job definition: a professional engaged in coffee blending, production, service and research in the coffee industry. The advantages and value of the certificate: 1. Why do you want to become a barista? for individuals, the certification shows that the holder has the experience and ability to engage in coffee production and service. The industry, customers and peers all regard the certificate as a symbol of the professional skill level of the holder. Certification at least

Definition of occupation:

A professional engaged in coffee blending, production, service and research in the coffee industry.

Advantages and value of certificates:

Why do you want to become a barista?

For individuals, the certification shows that the holder has the experience and ability to engage in coffee production and service. The industry, customers and peers all regard the certificate as a symbol of the professional skill level of the holder. Certification has at least three values:

First, the certification shows that the holder has professional coffee making and service skills, which means that the holder can provide satisfactory service to customers. It proves that the licensee abides by the principle of good faith, and at the same time shows his commitment to the coffee and leisure service he is engaged in.

Second, to prove that the licensee meets the professional standards in line with international standards, and to show his ability and level of competence in coffee making services.

Third, obtaining the professional qualification certification of baristas is of great help for employees in the coffee industry to enter the higher-level service industry and obtain superior career development opportunities.

2. Certificate and certification body

Barista is a professional qualification certificate issued by the Business skills Appraisal and Catering Service Development Center of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

Certification body: national baristas Professional Committee of the Business skills Appraisal and Catering Service Development Center of SASAC of the State Council.

The main jobs of baristas include:

1. Basic identification of coffee beans.

2. Mix different flavors of coffee according to the characteristics of coffee beans.

3. Use coffee equipment and coffee utensils to make coffee

4. Provide coffee service for customers

5. Spread coffee culture.

The scope of personnel implementing vocational qualification certificates:

1. Professional service personnel who specialize in coffee making and grinding

2. Cafe service staff

3. Specialize in industry research and coffee culture promotion

4. Coffee shop management staff

4. Staff engaged in coffee industry

5. Teaching administrators of barista skills training school

6. college students and related personnel who are prepared to engage in the above-mentioned work

Training mode:

1. Baristas adopt a national unified training model, that is, national unified teaching materials, unified training syllabus, unified core courses, and unified quality control system.

2. Barista courses are divided into junior baristas, intermediate baristas and senior baristas, which are specifically taught by lecturers organized by various training institutions, and the syllabus is uniformly compiled by the professional committee.

Application procedures of designated training institutions:

Step 1. Declaration instructions

Download and read the notice on issuing measures for the Administration of designated training institutions for the Certification of baristas

Step 2. Declaration

(1) download the annex to the notice on issuing the measures for the Administration of designated training institutions for the Certification of baristas-the examination and approval form for the establishment of designated training institutions for certification of baristas.

(2) fill in clearly and affix your official seal.

(3) other relevant materials to be submitted:

1) copy of the legal person certificate of the unit

2) photocopy of qualification certificate for running a school

3) A copy of the ID card of the unit legal person

4) introduction of business operation

5) introduction to other aspects of training or certification

6) training programs and solutions for teachers

7) Operation plan of the training

8) publicity plans and programmes

9) Student source security and organization

(4) the declaration materials should be mailed to the professional committee.

Step 3, approval

(1) fail to approve, re-apply or terminate the application

(2) through examination and approval, the reporting unit shall pay the relevant fees.

1) Annual management expenses (consult relevant responsible persons)

2) advance payment of certification fee (consult relevant responsible person)

3) issue approval documents and issue registration certificates and authorization plaques for designated training institutions of reporting units

4) the first batch of teaching materials are scheduled.

(3) confirmation of payment

(4) send relevant examination and approval materials

Step 4: officially become a training base

The reporting unit is listed as an authorized designated training institution.