Coffee review

How many levels of baristas qualification certificate should be tested? SCA Coffee Certification Test what is the amount of money?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The qualification of baristas is divided into three levels: junior baristas (level 3), intermediate baristas (level 2) and senior baristas (level 1). The scope of the implementation of professional qualification certificate personnel: 1, professional service personnel who specialize in coffee making and grinding 2, Zhen who specializes in coffee

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SCA (speciality coffee association) is a globally recognized boutique coffee association formed by the merger of SCAA's "the world's largest American boutique coffee trade association" and SCAE's "the world's most famous European boutique coffee association". The certification certificate issued by SCA is universal.

Coffee certificate is suitable for candidates: boutique coffee lovers; boutique baristas; coffee shopkeepers; coffee raw bean traders.

Full series of 6 modules of SCA barista qualification certificate

[basic knowledge of INTRODUCTION TO COFFEE Coffee]

[BARISTA barista (espresso)]

[BREWING coffee brewed (hand brewed coffee)]

[SENSORY sensory cup test (sensory skills)]

[ROASTING coffee roasting]

[GREEN BEAN coffee raw beans]


SCA Coffee Certificate Grade

The SCA barista certificate is divided into three levels in junior high school. The examination for junior baristas is relatively simple, and the course is based on basic theory and practical knowledge. If you have worked in a coffee shop for a certain period of time, basically do not need to take a certification course, go directly to take the SCA junior certificate. If you feel that your coffee knowledge and operation skills have reached a certain level, you can also skip the primary level and directly take the SCA Intermediate Certificate ~ SCA Intermediate Certificate can skip the primary exam, but the SCA Advanced Certificate must first obtain the Intermediate Barista Certificate.

Can I get a high salary if I take the SCA coffee certificate?

It should be noted that if you take the SCA Coffee Certification, you will be paid more to work in a coffee shop. At present, most candidates are not required to have a certificate to work as a barista. Most coffee shop managers will pay more attention to the comprehensive ability of the applicant, not that they will be admitted if they have coffee technology and know coffee knowledge.


Is the SCA Coffee course worth taking?

SCA barista certificate is a stepping stone. If you really can't learn coffee by yourself / if you don't know where to start, you can consider taking a SCA certification course. SCA certification courses are equivalent to enlightening teachers to let people know what to learn. But it's the same old saying, you should put what you have learned into practice! The certificate is just a piece of paper, and the golden point is really yourself, so after learning it, you should continue to improve your coffee specialty and learn more coffee knowledge.

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