Coffee review

Can you lose weight by drinking coffee? the way to lose weight by drinking coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Can you lose weight by drinking coffee? More and more people question this claim. In fact, the idea of losing weight with coffee is based on the following possible factors: (1) increased metabolic consumption (2) diuretic effect. But through the following analysis, we will see that coffee does not have the effect of losing weight. With regard to point (1), what I want to say is that the right amount of coffee

Coffee can reduce weight?

Can coffee reduce weight? More and more people are questioning this claim. In fact, coffee weight loss has been proposed based on several possible factors: (1) increased metabolic expenditure and (2) diuretic effect. But through the following analysis, we will see that coffee does not have a weight loss effect.

With regard to point (1), I would like to say that a small amount of caffeine contained in a moderate amount of coffee can really make us nervous and improve the endurance of the human body in a short time. However, there is no authoritative evidence or research that caffeine "really" increases metabolic expenditure. In a 12-year study of coffee and weight at the University of California's Biosport Laboratory, coffee drinkers gained just one pound less than non-coffee drinkers.

For point (2), using diuresis, we do lose weight because we drain water from the body, but this is not weight loss, maybe we drink a few glasses of water and the weight comes back. The goal of weight loss is to lose excess fat, not water.

In contrast, instant coffee is now the easiest to buy, and added sugar and other ingredients are a source of calories. Drinking large amounts of alcohol does not help you lose weight.

There is no solid scientific basis for coffee weight loss, so it is inappropriate to use it as a weight loss method.

Coffee itself contains basically 0 calories, but if milk and sugar are added to coffee, the amount of fat and sugar in the body will increase. One gram of sugar has about 4 kilocalories, and generally speaking, adding about 2-8 grams of sugar bars to a cup of coffee will produce 8-32 kilocalories. This means that if you drink five cups of coffee a day with added sugar, it is equivalent to eating sugar containing 40-160 calories.

Black coffee refers to coffee that contains no additives other than coffee and water, while black coffee is just one of many varieties of coffee. Pure coffee does not help weight loss. Drinking a cup of hot coffee before meals can also have an appetite suppressant effect. Also, drinking before going to work, shopping, and work can easily achieve the effect of burning body fat.