Coffee review

Boutique coffee baking household oven baking coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Before baking, pick out the residual beans (insect beans, fermented beans, shell beans, etc.).) Heat the upper and lower tubes of the oven, preheat 150℃, put the raw beans in the selection cage, put them in the oven, change to the upper tube heating, rotate mode, 150℃, bake for 10 minutes, raise the temperature to 230℃, bake for about 25 minutes (depending on the individual's need for baking, you can adjust the time flexibly) to remove the cage.

Before baking, pick out the residual beans (insect beans, fermented beans, shell beans, etc.).)

The upper and lower pipes of the oven are heated, preheating 150℃

Put the raw beans in a selection cage, put them in the oven, heat them in the upper tube, rotate, 150 ℃, bake for 10 minutes.

Raise the temperature to 230℃ and bake for about 25 minutes (depending on the individual's need for baking degree, you can adjust the time flexibly)

Take out the barbecue cage, shake the baking cage and let the silver skin fall, which also helps to dissipate heat and cool.

After the beans are cooled, remove the silver skin, and if you pay attention to it, you'd better screen the bad beans, and then you can grind and brew the coffee.