Coffee review

The Source of Coffee the Story of the Shepherd

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, One: the story of the shepherd there are several legends about the origin of coffee, of which the more familiar is the story of the shepherd: according to Rothschild, a Roman linguist. Records of Neroy (1613-1707): around the sixth century, when Kardai, an Arab shepherd, was herding sheep to the Isobian prairie, he was extremely excited and excited to see each goat.

One: the Story of the Shepherd

There are several legends about the origin of coffee, of which the more familiar is the story of the shepherd: according to Rothschild, a Roman linguist. Records of Neroy (1613-1707): around the sixth century, when Kardai, an Arab shepherd, was herding sheep to the Isobian prairie for grazing, he was surprised to see that each goat was extremely excited and jubilant. Later, after careful observation, he found that these sheep were excited only after eating some kind of red fruit. Cardai tasted some of them curiously and found that these fruits were very sweet and delicious. After eating, he also felt very refreshed. From then on, he often went to eat this delicious fruit with the sheep. Later, a Muslim passed by and took some of this incredible red fruit home and distributed it to other parishioners, so its magical effect spread.

Number two: the Story of Shack Omar

Other legends are the disciples of Shack Caldi, the patron saint of the Arabian Peninsula. Omar was a highly respected and beloved chief in Mocha, but was expelled by his people for committing a crime. As a result, Shake Omar was exiled to Osama in the country, where he stumbled upon the fruit of coffee in 1258. One day, Omar was walking hungry in the mountains and saw a bird with strange feathers on the branches, pecking at the fruit of the tree and making a very sweet cry. He took the fruit back and boiled it with water, only to emit a rich and attractive fragrance, and the original feeling of tiredness was eliminated after drinking it. Omar collected many of these magical fruits, and when she met someone who was sick, she made the fruit into soup for them to drink and refreshed her spirit. Because he did good everywhere and was loved by believers, his sins were soon forgiven, and when he returned to Mocha, he was praised for finding this fruit, and people did not worship him as a saint. At that time, the magic cure was said to be coffee.