Coffee review

Interpretation of Coffee basic knowledge of Coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Is your coffee fresh? The world consumes 1.6 billion cups of coffee a day, which is equivalent to 70 cups per person in Taiwan every day, but less than 10% of people really drink "good coffee"! Because more than 90% of the coffee on the market is stale coffee. Fresh coffee is recognized as the most mellow drink in the world. Yes, the key lies in the word "fresh", you know.

Is your coffee fresh?

The world consumes 1.6 billion cups of coffee a day, which is equivalent to 70 cups per person in Taiwan every day, but less than 10% of people really drink "good coffee"! Because there are more than 90% on the market.

The coffee is all stale coffee. Fresh coffee is recognized as the most mellow drink in the world. Yes, the key lies in the word "fresh". Do you know what coffee is fresh?

Is your coffee "good coffee" or "coffee-flavored drink"?

Q; caffeine is bad for the human body?

The caffeine in coffee is insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water. Caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, eliminates drowsiness, increases feeling and thinking, acts as a cardiotonic to regulate heart function, and expands the kidneys.

Blood vessels, diuresis and other effects. However, it is not just coffee that contains caffeine. Usually a cup of 100cc coffee, caffeinated 60~65mg, green tea

200~300mg, black tea has 350~400mg, cocoa has about 100mg. Excessive caffeine intake is prone to tinnitus, myocardial hyperactivity (rapid heartbeat, increased pulse frequency), and pulse.

The beat is uneven, so you must drink coffee in moderation.

Q: why is it easier to stay awake when drinking coffee?

A many people have the experience of being too excited to sleep after drinking coffee. This is because there is a conductive substance called adenosine in the human body, which controls nerve activity, slows breathing, weakens mood,

Reduce gastric acid secretion and diuretic effect. On the other hand, caffeine will fake adenosine, making the body think that the effect of adenosine has taken place, making you feel energetic, increased stomach acid, urinate more frequently, and naturally less willing to fall asleep. Worthy of attention

Yes, the brief awakening caused by this caffeine does not mean that physical strength is really restored. In addition, everyone has a different metabolic rate of caffeine, so their sensitivity to caffeine is different, so someone after drinking coffee, and

I don't think my sleep is affected.

Q: is it right to drink coffee while it is hot?

The best drinking temperature for coffee is 85-88 degrees Celsius. The taste of a good cup of coffee should be consistent when the temperature is high or low, which is why the test appraiser of coffee will change the coffee from hot to cold.

The whole process is listed as evaluation. After cooling, a good cup of coffee will taste even better than when it is hot, except for less aroma. But because of the unstable nature of coffee, it is mostly encouraged to take advantage of coffee.

Drink when hot, on the other hand, when a cup of hot coffee is in front of you, drinking while it is hot is the etiquette of coffee.

Q; will coffee cause calcium loss?

In recent years, as Chinese people pay more and more attention to the problem of calcium loss and osteoporosis, they also have considerable doubts about coffee. As for the relationship between caffeine intake and osteoporosis, it is still under study.

There is no direct evidence that caffeine causes osteoporosis, but some studies have shown that caffeine increases calcium excretion. Therefore, it is suggested that coffee lovers should eat more high-calcium foods to supplement calcium.

Preparing cheese slices or cheese cakes with coffee can not only supplement calcium, but also make the coffee more delicious.

Q: is it right to drink coffee while it is hot?

The best drinking temperature for coffee is 85-88 degrees Celsius. The taste of a good cup of coffee should be consistent when the temperature is high or low, which is why the test appraiser of coffee will change the coffee from hot to cold.

The whole process is listed as evaluation. After cooling, a good cup of coffee will taste even better than when it is hot, except for less aroma. But because of the unstable nature of coffee, it is mostly encouraged to take advantage of coffee.

Drink when hot, on the other hand, when a cup of hot coffee is in front of you, drinking while it is hot is the etiquette of coffee.

Is coffee a beauty killer?

So far, none of the studies have shown that caffeine and melanin in coffee are absolutely related to the increase of melanin or aging of the skin. On the contrary, the right amount of caffeine will accelerate aging.

Metabolism, promote digestion, improve constipation, and improve the roughness of the skin. With regard to the fact that caffeine can accelerate metabolism, it is said that coffee will accelerate the burning of calories and achieve the effect of losing weight. basically, the theory is correct.

But this calorie burning is not enough to lose weight, and if sugar and cream are added to the coffee, the calorie calculation is even less in line with the principle of weight loss.

Who is not fit to drink coffee?

Patients with cerebral hemangioma are not suitable for drinking coffee. Patients with heart disease should drink coffee without or without caffeine, because caffeine increases the heart rate and causes lack of oxygen in the heart. In addition, patients with skin diseases and those with stomach problems should try their best.

Drink less coffee so as not to worsen the condition caused by too much coffee. People with diabetes should also avoid drinking coffee with too much sugar so as not to aggravate the condition. The US Food and Drug Administration (Fda) has issued a statement suggesting that it is already pregnant.

Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant reduce their caffeine intake. Because in the second and third stages of pregnancy, women metabolize caffeine about twice as fast as when they are not pregnant, and caffeine crosses the placenta and enters the fetus.

It flows into the baby through breast-feeding. In addition, many studies have failed to prove that moderate amounts of caffeine have adverse effects on fetuses, and there are no medical reports banning pregnant women from drinking coffee. Pregnant women and personal feeding are still recommended here.

Lactating women need to be more cautious about their caffeine intake. In short, if you find that you are not feeling well after drinking coffee, you should not drink coffee for the time being, and then start with a small amount, changing the way you drink it, and so on.

Q the best way to taste coffee is to drink black coffee.


There is a saying that if you know how to drink "black coffee" without cream and sugar, you are the expert at tasting coffee. In fact, there is no fixed and correct way to drink coffee, such as coffee from Middle East or African countries, and it is also special to add cinnamon, ginger and other incense.

Color. In the case of a good cup of coffee, black coffee can indeed enjoy its original balanced and rich flavor, while cream can remove some astringency, while adding sugar can turn bitterness into sweetness. All in all, whether to add cattle or not

Milk or sugar, depending on your personal preference, you can enjoy the fun by choosing your favorite coffee.

Q Why can you feel a little sweetness when tasting black coffee?


Most people only taste bitter, sour and astringent coffee. In fact, raw coffee beans contain about 50.8% sugar. After baking at high temperature, most of the sugar will be converted into caramel. This caramel effect brings to coffee.

The unique tan forms the source of aroma and bitterness, while the remaining sugar leaves a hint of sweetness. In addition, the tannic acid released when roasting good coffee beans, combined with the formation of brown caramel, will also produce a slightly

Bitter sweetness.

How to store Q coffee beans correctly?


Unbaked raw beans, the older the better, the storage place should not be wet and strong flavor, because coffee beans will absorb air! Once the coffee bean is roasted, it will slowly lose its fragrance, and if it is ground into coffee powder, the fragrance will flow faster.

Lose! To keep coffee fresh, I suggest: buy a small amount of coffee every time and grind it when you need to drink it. If you drink it yourself at home, you need to buy a small coffee grinder.

The coffee beans bought are usually packed in tin paper bags. When unpacking, the coffee beans should be stored in vacuum cans to isolate the beans from the air, so as to avoid the loss of fragrance and the deterioration caused by inhaling other flavors. Americans prefer coffee.

Store brown beans in the refrigerator!