Coffee review

The definition of milk foam with good basic knowledge of fine coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. When the milk foam is finished, the amount of milk foam should not be higher than 20% or 30% of the original milk. two。 When the foam is finished, there should be no uneven bubbles. 3. When you finish the foam, please rotate the cup repeatedly to the left and right. at this time, the foam attached to the wall of the cup should slowly fall like cream and there should be no bubbles in the wall of the cup. When the foam is finished, the foam poured out for the first time and the last outflow

1. When the milk foam is finished, the amount of milk foam should not be higher than 20% or 30% of the original milk.

two。 When the foam is finished, there should be no uneven bubbles.

3. When you finish the foam, please rotate the cup to the left and turn to the right repeatedly. At this time, the foam attached to the wall of the cup should slowly fall like cream and there should be no bubbles in the wall of the cup.

4. When the foam is finished, the first and last bubbles must be as smooth as cream.

5. The degree of milk foam should be between 60C and 66C.