Coffee review

Standard process of bar production

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Schematic diagram of the operation flow of the bar: prepare the order, prepare the equipment for feeding, make the inspection equipment, recover, clean and return to the position 1, accept the order standard operation: the order should be taken by the bar director and the foreman, and arranged in turn according to the order, morning and evening order. Note: 1) students are not allowed to take orders, and bar teachers are not allowed to take orders without the permission of their superiors. 2) the recipient should pay attention to the order at all times.

Schematic diagram of bar operation flow: receiving order-reporting order-preparing equipment-feeding-production-inspection-production-equipment recovery-cleaning-returning

1. Standard work for receiving orders: the manager of the bar and the foreman shall take charge of the orders, and they shall be arranged in order according to the order, morning and evening.

Note: 1) students are not allowed to take orders, and bar teachers are not allowed to take orders without the permission of their superiors. 2) the receiver should pay attention to the single station at all times to ensure the speed of receiving the order. 3) when accepting the order, you must check the name, hot or cold, quantity, price, table number and time of the drink on the order. If there is any error, immediately notify the waiter [/ align] [align=left] to make changes to ensure accuracy. [/ align]

2. Standard work: 1) the voice is loud, the words are clear, the pronunciation is accurate and fluent. 2) according to the characteristics of the drinks on the list, each person is good at distributing them. 3) assign the work in place and let the bar staff operate it quickly and accurately. Note: 1) do not make too much noise when reporting the order, so as not to disturb the guests. 2) do not repeat the application form, do not be ambiguous, so as to avoid errors. 3) be proficient in the process of the characteristics of the drinks on the list. 4) careful observation and concentration of thoughts should be made when reporting the order to ensure the accuracy of reading the order.

3. Prepare the standard operation of utensils: 1) match and operate step by step according to the utensils involved in the drinks. 2) when using utensils, check whether they are clean or not. If there are stains, clean them before use. 3) use it according to the standard action. Note: 1) the use of appliances shall not violate the operation. 2) the action should be accurate and standardized so as not to damage the equipment. 3) the utensils should be used for drinks and should not be mixed and matched at will.

4, feeding standard operation: 1) the prepared drinks should be prepared strictly according to the proportion of raw materials. a. Before adding ingredients, check the preparation for odor or sundries. b. The proportion must carry out the standard operation correctly. 2) the movements should be neat and standardized. Note: 1) when feeding, not too much or too little. 2) the beverage characteristics and operation process should be understood and should not be operated blindly. 3) when operating, you should be careful and careful, and your thoughts should be concentrated, and you should not miss or add less.

5, the production standard operation: 1) carry on the production according to the corresponding production technology, should concentrate on investment, ensure the quality first. 2) the production is fast and the movement is elegant and generous. 3) match the cup into the cup. 4) add decoration. Note: 1) pay attention to the production process and production sequence. (pay attention to the use of "overall planning method") 2) when operating, do not be lazy and not at will. 3) pay attention to hygiene and clean appearance after drinking. 4) Decoration can not be made do with, must pay attention to the quality of decoration, beauty, color and other problems.

6. Test standard work: 1) check whether a drink is good or not from five aspects: color, cup decoration, taste, cup portion, cup cup. 2) the beverage must pass the inspection before it can be produced, which is borne by the producer, and the bar director and foreman should spot check the quality of the beverage from time to time. Note: 1) the quality requirements should be strictly tested in accordance with the standard taste and should not be taken lightly. 2) five aspects of beverage inspection standards are indispensable.

7. Standard production operation: 1) ring the bell and configure the necessary additional utensils for the drink. 2) try to serve the drinks on the same or adjacent table together as far as possible. 3) the product report should be clearly stated to the waiter. Note: 1) do not ring the bell too many times. 2) help outfield to prepare the necessary utensils as much as possible. 3) avoid ambiguity in the application form.

8. Standard operation of appliance recovery: 1) when the waiter takes back the cups and puts them on the bar, take back the utensils and place the sink in the shortest possible time. 2) when recycling, try to avoid the collision between the cup and the cup, and put it in the pool in order. 3) the action should be fast but not panic, busy but not chaotic. Note: 1) you can't take it back when all the cups are stacked together. 2) when putting the cup, the action should not be too big and light. 3) the rubbish in the recovery cup should be dumped into the dustbin before it can be put into the pool. 4) do not directly put the recovered cups into the pool containing detergent. 5) if there are too many or undrunk drinks, you should notify the foreman first and find out the cause before recycling.

9, cleaning standard operation: 1) wash the cups with detergent first, and then rinse clearly. 2) wash the valuable and fragile glassware first. 3) the water in the cleaning pool should be changed regularly. Note: 1) pay attention to the cleaning methods of special appliances. 2) Cup brushes for cleaning oily substances should be used separately from other cup brushes.

10, return to the standard work: 1) check whether the cups are washed. 2) put it in the prescribed position.