Coffee review

Dutch water drop ice brewed coffee take some time to enjoy the pleasure of making coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Drip coffee, also known as Dutch coffee, the kettle was first invented by Archbishop D'Bello of Paris in the early 19th century. This brewing method is made with cold water or ice water, so that cold water or ice water is like water droplets, slowly extracting coffee essence at a rate of about 40 drops per minute, because the speed is very slow, so we should choose finer ground coffee powder to extract.

Drip coffee, also known as Dutch coffee, the kettle was first invented by Archbishop D'Bello of Paris in the early 19th century. This brewing method is done with cold water or ice water, so that cold water or ice water is like water droplets, slowly extracting coffee essence at a rate of about 40 drops per minute, because the speed is very slow, so we should choose finer ground coffee powder to extract. This kind of coffee brewed for a long time contains very low caffeine, so it tastes very refreshing. In ordinary cafes, dripping coffee costs three times as much as regular coffee, and you have to make an appointment in advance.

Drip water control can be divided into two types. ① soft water-put the coffee pot low, near the coffee bag is the way to make soft water, the amount of water control should be small, this method is suitable for low-volume coffee. ② hard water-increase the coffee, make the water droplets tick and tick, and control the amount of water. This is the method of operating hard water. This method is suitable for making mellow and delicious coffee with hard water for a long time.

(1) use utensils: coffee pots and other appliances.

(2) applicable coffee beans: deep-roasted coffee beans or Dutch iced coffee.

(3) Coffee powder dosage and grinding: double trough water drop coffee is about 200 grams per tank (grinding degree: medium and fine).

(4) Water volume: 3300 ml.

(5) preparation before brewing: in order to keep the speed of drips in the extraction process unchanged, the bolt part should be relaxed. Coffee beans should be roasted deeply and finely ground. Remind you: ◎ coffee powder must be enough, first divide the boiling water into several times and slowly wash down from the coffee powder, the size of the water column should be stable, it is best not to be too impatient, do not inject a large amount of boiled water at one time. ◎ in the long dripping process of dripping coffee, it is best to check the dripping speed at regular intervals to avoid affecting the flavor of the coffee because of the fast or slow dripping speed. ◎ uses the method of drawing circles from the inside to the outside and then from the outside to the inside to make coffee. Then, from the periphery to the center, the boiling water is slowly injected in a circle state. At this time, the powder expands and foams appear. These foams have unnecessary dregs or astringent taste, so although there is still water on the final bag, never let the foam follow into the coffee. ◎ should stop pouring water immediately if the foam has spilled out of the bag.

(6) in the operation procedure, ① is first put into ice cubes, and then injected into cold boiled water, not directly into boiling water. ② first use deep baking and fine grinding of coffee powder, pour it into a barrel filter and filter, then gently flatten the coffee powder. ③ lays the round filter paper for the water drop coffee pot on the coffee powder in the barrel filter, and then installs the barrel filter and pipe of the coffee powder and filter paper. So that the filter is fixed on the bench. After the ④ fixed the barrel filter, the kettle that had been filled with ice water was also fixed on the bench. Adjust the amount of water of the drip suppository and drop it at the rate of 40 drops per minute, which can be completed in 5-6 hours.

Matters needing attention in dripping filter pot ☆ controls the quality of filter paper. If there is a hole, stain or even damp, give up do not use, so as not to affect the flavor of coffee. After putting the coffee powder into the filter, ☆ should gently pat to make the powder solid and dense. Boil the filtered water from the ☆ filter, but cool it to 92-95 ℃ with a wet towel before brewing. ☆ water filter pot in order to maintain the hot water temperature, it is best to choose plastic products, and remember to warm the pot before use. According to the principle of 180ml-200ml per cup, ☆ is brewed in a kettle with a diameter of less than 1cm, and the center of the circle is spirally poured outward. The water output of ☆ should be stable, uniform and uninterrupted, let the coffee powder wet, tumble, expand and then sink, and complete the first stage of stewing process. To keep the water output stable, ☆ had better hold the pot in a standing position, clamp the arms, and use the rhythm of the upper body to brew, which is easier to control. ☆ 20-30 seconds later, the water temperature has dropped to about 85 degrees Celsius, repeat the 180ml watering action, waiting for the coffee to drop.