Coffee review

Common sense of Coffee and the knack of Cappuccino pulling flowers

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I was inspired by Cappuccino, which happened by chance. Mr. Song Ben, president of the (delicious Coffee Research Society), told me that the Cappuccino of an Italian cafe (DolceVita) in Nanjing had a strong percentage of people, and he also took me to see it. If the Cappuccino flower was really brought up, it completely caught my eye, because I didn't see it.

I was inspired by Cappuccino, which happened by chance. Mr. Song Ben, president of the (delicious Coffee Research Society), told me that the Cappuccino of an Italian cafe (DolceVita) in Nanjing had a strong percentage of people, and he also took me to see it. If the Cappuccino pull was really brought up, it completely caught my eye, because I had never seen such a beautiful pull. Since my understanding of Cappuccino flower, it began to be a prelude, in addition to hard practice, or hard practice, although I have also participated in the demonstration seminar on the spot, however, just listening to the instructor's explanation, I still can not get the know-how. The Espresso machine has been bought in the first month of opening the shop, and since then I have started daily practice. When I open the shop, I can finally make faces and pull flowers like rabbits.

Then, compared with other people's flower pull, it is still a far cry. It is strange to say that one day, I suddenly found the knack of how to maintain this state after the white milk paid the surface. Why is the shape of the milk so big and so small? how can I make it bigger or smaller? I just keep thinking about these questions, and even do the same actions like a fool. However, under such circumstances, I will gradually be able to control it. But the figure is still bigger or smaller, and I can feel the way the milk pays the surface to form a figure. In addition, I finally learned that if the installation of steam foam is not perfect, it is impossible to make a beautiful flower pull at all.