Coffee review

The whole process of planting and growth of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Common questions about coffee bean cultivation: first, what are coffee kernels? How did you get the coffee seeds? Coffee seed, commonly known as coffee shell dried bean, is a kind of coffee seed without removing mesocarp and silver skin. Coffee seed is divided into Arabica Arabica seed and Robusta Robasta seed. The picture shows the commercial coffee raw bean available for consumption, and it is also the two major commercial plants on a large scale.

Common questions about coffee bean cultivation:

What is coffee seed? How are coffee seeds obtained?

Coffee seeds, commonly known as coffee with shell dry beans, are coffee seeds that have not been removed from mesocarp and silver skin. Coffee seeds are divided into Arabica Arabica seeds and Robusta seeds. The picture shows commercial coffee green beans available for consumption. They are also two major coffee varieties planted on a commercial scale.

2 What is coffee? The role it plays in coffee bean cultivation:

Coffee silver skin-is a thin layer wrapped in the surface of coffee beans a layer of skin, popular point is similar to not yet roasted fresh and dry peanuts, peanut surface that layer of red "coat", like coffee beans wrapped in the surface of silver skin.

That kind of power that breaks out of the ground, that kind of beauty that endows life, from coffee seed selection to coffee bean planting, from coffee planting to planting, from coffee processing to roasting, that one by one full of elves, brings too many memories and happiness to human beings.