Coffee review

General knowledge of Fine Coffee in China by International organizations

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The International Coffee Organization in China has always been very concerned about the development of China's coffee industry. In the 1980s, the International Coffee Organization sent relevant experts to Yunnan coffee factories to provide technical exchanges, and gave strong support in seed selection, planting, tasting and other professional techniques. While coordinating the international trade that affects the global coffee economy, the International Coffee Organization has been committed to the survival of coffee culture.

organizations in China

The International Coffee Organization has always been very concerned about the development of China's coffee industry. In the 1980s, the International Coffee Organization sent experts to Yunnan Coffee Factory to provide technical exchanges, and gave strong support to professional technologies such as seed selection, planting and tasting.

While coordinating international trade affecting the global coffee economy, the International Coffee Organization has also been committed to the spread of coffee culture in countries around the world. China is a country with a long tradition of tea culture. Since the spring of 1998, the International Coffee Organization has launched coffee festivals in Beijing and Shanghai for the first time, hoping to bring the coffee culture that has swept the world to China.

International Coffee Festival

in 1998

In April 1998, the International Coffee Organization held its first International Coffee Festival in China. The centerpiece of the event will be concerts by world-renowned violinist Chen Mei in Beijing and Shanghai.

The objective of the 1998 Coffee Festival is to promote cooperation among countries of the world on coffee economic issues. In addition to Chen Mei's concerts, the International Coffee Organization also participated in trade and media events in Beijing and Shanghai to promote the spread of coffee culture in China.

The International Coffee Organization sent a delegation to contact Chinese government officials, coffee traders and producers in order to find more cooperation opportunities in China.

The 1998 Coffee Festival was the first coffee promotion event sponsored by the International Coffee Organization in China. It has strong backing from Nestle, Kraft and Colombia coffee.

in 1999

In April 1999, the two-week Coffee Festival was held again in Beijing and Shanghai under the theme "Coffee--Taste of Life." The coffee festival held a series of activities for Chinese citizens. Members of the International Coffee Organization and many international and domestic well-known coffee companies participated in this coffee festival.

The main participants of the coffee festival also include cafes and Internet cafes of various styles in Beijing and Shanghai. It is they that have greatly promoted the development of coffee culture in China. Through the two programs of China Radio International and Shanghai People's Radio,"Easy FM" and "Happy FM," people can learn about the free tasting activities held by various coffee companies and the beverage discounts offered by various cafes.

A photo exhibition commissioned by the International Coffee Organization is the centrepiece of the event. The exhibition features the work of two Chinese photographers, Xu Zhiwei in Beijing and Wang Gangfeng in Shanghai. The works are mainly black and white photographs, showing social changes from the photographer's personal perspective. These works embody the charm of coffee culture-coffee is a catalyst for the exchange of words and ideas. Michael Heath, program manager for Coffee International, opens the exhibit at the Coffee Festival opening ceremony. Photographs were exhibited at Fenglian Square in Beijing, Henderson Mall and Meilong Town Square in Shanghai.

Coffee International launched China's first coffee map during a free coffee tasting campaign around the country. The map has been artistically manipulated to show interesting cafes and coffee shops in Beijing and Shanghai.

During the event, the International Coffee Organization participated in the China Hotel Expo held at the China International Trade Exhibition Center in Beijing from 17 to 20 March, especially the coffee and tea exhibition. The International Coffee Organization's stand featured a variety of coffee-related materials, music from coffee-producing countries and live performances by Italian coffee producers.

Coffee culture promotion and media promotion

For more than three years, the International Coffee Organization has actively contacted international coffee companies in China, consulates of major coffee import and export countries and domestic coffee companies to organize many coffee culture promotion activities.

The event took different forms, vividly and extensively introduced the history of coffee, cultivation, roasting, types, different methods of making coffee, tastes, etc., and aroused people's interest in coffee from different aspects of the coffee industry. In Beijing, Shanghai and other places, the International Coffee Organization has also organized coffee culture dissemination activities for citizens and the media.