Coffee review

Starbucks classic espresso introduces Starbucks coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Starbucks coffee is the only love of many white-collar petty bourgeoisie. Some people like to collect their cups, and some people recognize them when they drink coffee. Once I saw a post about how to make the most money by drinking coffee at Starbucks. I thought it was very interesting, so I roughly sorted it out and shared it with you. Classic Italian coffee hot drink: 1, American coffee (cafe americano): ingredient: e

Starbucks coffee is the only love of many white-collar petty bourgeoisie. Some people like to collect their cups, and some people recognize them when they drink coffee. Once I saw a post about how to make the most money by drinking coffee at Starbucks. I thought it was very interesting, so I roughly sorted it out and shared it with you.

Classic espresso

Hot drink:

1, American coffee (cafe americano):

Ingredients: espresso (concentrated) + hot water

Features: better to retain the original mellow aroma of coffee, better pick-me-up effect, cheaper (21 ~ 24 ~ 27)

2, latte (cafe latte)

Ingredients: espresso+ milk + 1 spoonful of milk foam

Features: espresso mixed with hot milk, covered with a light layer of foam. The beauty of the traditional classic drink also lies in its simplicity. Cheaper (25 28 31)

3, Cappuccino

Ingredient: espresso+ milk foam

Features: the difference with the latte is that it has half of the milk bubbles, so the taste is stronger than the latte, and the more delicate the milk foam is, the better, but drink it in time. It is difficult to drink when the milk bubbles are gone for a long time, so it is not suitable to take out. The price is the same as the latte.

4, caramel Caramel Macchiato

Ingredients: vanilla syrup + milk + milk foam + espresso+ caramel sauce

Features: the first choice for girls drink, drink very good, sweet feeling, if the master craftsmanship is very good, drink delicate milk foam caramel macchiato is definitely a kind of enjoyment. The appearance is also quite beautiful. Relatively high price (29 32 35)

5, Mocha (Caff Mocha)

Ingredients: chocolate sauce + espresso+ milk + cream

Features: one of LZ's preferred drinks, especially the white mocha (mocha with white chocolate sauce). This drink is very warm, suitable for girls and suitable for winter.

6, espresso (espresso)

Composition: espresso

Features: espresso is the essence of espresso. Just a little, a little drink.

Separate orders and double copies. Heavy taste of children's shoes can be tried, double concentrated (foreigners order rate is relatively high)

PS: the price is 14 for one and 18 for double

7, concentrated Campbell Blue (Espresso Con Panna)

Composition: espresso+cream

Features: a small cup of espresso plus a circle of cream.

8, concentrated Espresso Macchiato

Ingredient: espresso+ milk foam

Features: let's reason for ourselves.

Cold drinks: there is nothing special to introduce, the ingredients are similar to the hot drinks above.

I'd like to remind you that

1, do not easily try ice cappuccino, really do not recommend, ice milk, ice plus hot milk foam, very strange taste. But I have to admit, it looks pretty good!

2. Children's shoes that don't like ice cubes and want ice drinks can be made into de-icing (walking ice).

3, especially recommended: iced bean milk vanilla latte de-icing.