Coffee review

Teach you how to make a latte cafelatter

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Latte coffee is as famous as cappuccino. In Italy, many people like to have a cup of latte with breakfast, because latte coffee is lighter and stronger than cappuccino coffee, so latte cafelatter coffee has the meaning of milk in Italian, so it is also called milk coffee.

Latte coffee is as famous as cappuccino. In Italy, many people like to have a cup of latte with breakfast, because latte coffee is lighter and stronger than cappuccino coffee, so latte cafelatter coffee has the meaning of milk in Italian, so it is also called milk coffee. For the basic situation of the latte will be introduced to you here, the following author to talk about its specific practice.

Teach you how to make a latte cafelatter? In fact, for some coffee lovers, it must be easy to make a latte. Today, what I am talking about is mainly aimed at some novice coffee lovers. Before making latte, we must first prepare raw materials: coffee bean milk for 150ml, measuring cup for 180ml, and then make latte after the raw materials are ready.

one。 In fact, when making a cup of Italian Luzhou-flavor coffee, you can choose either a coffee maker or a mocha pot. If you want to be more professional, I recommend Italian semi-automatic coffee machine.

two。 Is to heat the milk to between 65 and 75 degrees.

three。 Pour the coffee into the coffee cup and remember to warm the cup. Then pour in the hot milk. If possible, you can add a little milk foam, which can be dealt with with a coffee maker or a manual milking machine or an electric milking machine.

Teach you how to make a latte cafelatter? Although the production of latte is so simple, but now many people give up the ratio of traditional latte to milk in order to pursue its appearance, or blindly pursue a large cup of coffee, and finally make the whole cup of coffee tasteless. In my opinion, this has completely lost the meaning of coffee, we should enjoy the taste of coffee, not to drink coffee for more cost-effective.