Coffee review

Who is not fit to drink coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In patients with liver disease, caffeine prolongs the time it takes to thank caffeine in the body. In general, the metabolism of caffeine in normal adults takes 2 hours, but in patients with liver disease or liver insufficiency, the metabolism of caffeine may take 4-5 hours, so patients with liver disease should be careful when drinking coffee, it is best not to drink it after dusk, so as not to affect sleep due to long metabolic time, and it is the best day.

patients with liver disease

Caffeine can prolong the time it takes for caffeine to dissipate in the body. Generally normal adult caffeine metabolism takes 2 hours, but patients with liver disease or liver dysfunction, caffeine metabolism may take 4-5 hours, so patients with liver disease must be careful when drinking coffee, it is best not to drink in the evening, so as not to affect sleep due to long metabolic time, and it is best not to exceed 1 cup a day.

patients with digestive system disease

I believe that people who often have stomachache have an experience, that is, doctors will tell them not to eat irritating foods, including wine, chili, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks.

Coffee is among them because tannic acid stimulates gastric acid secretion, and patients with acute digestive diseases must avoid it. After recovery, if you drink coffee occasionally, it is best to use it after meals and avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

pregnant women

Many women start after pregnancy and pay special attention to all foods they eat. Caffeinated drinks are also listed as one of the taboos. This is mainly due to the slow metabolism of caffeine in pregnant women, caffeine stays in the body for a longer time, and the fetus in the womb can only clear caffeine in the blood through metabolism until eight or nine months.


Because children's liver and kidney development is not complete, detoxification ability is poor, so the half-life of caffeine metabolism will be prolonged, so generally speaking, children under the age of 12 need to prohibit caffeine intake. Even European and American people who drink coffee as boiled water all day long have strict restrictions on children drinking coffee.