Coffee review

What are the rules of coffee behavior etiquette and drinking coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Going to a coffee shop to taste coffee is one of the daily formulas for the French, so it's not a big deal. The purpose of going to a coffee shop is mostly just to chat, so in cafes that are relaxed but frequented by high-class people, personal demeanor and clothing are very important. It may be important to have some unwritten coffee traditional politeness, such as not holding the cup all the time.

Going to a coffee shop to taste coffee is one of the daily formulas for the French, so it's no big deal. The purpose of going to a coffee shop is mostly just to chat, so it's easy.

But in cafes frequented by high-class people, personal demeanor and clothing are very important. It may be important to have some unwritten traditional courtesy of coffee, such as not to keep talking about the cup all the time, or to run around the house with coffee, and to put the cup down; and, do not add sugar or cream to other people's coffee without asking for permission, and do not pour coffee for yourself or others without the hostess's consent, because it is the hostess's duty and right.

When drinking Cappucciono in a restaurant, it is best to use a spoon to mix the milk foam with coffee, first taste the milk, and then taste the coffee, so as not to turn into a "big beard" after drinking Cappucciono. If you are invited to a family-style coffee for the first time, you should at least bring a bouquet of flowers. All the apologies are in the flowers, so there is no need to indicate otherwise.