Coffee review

Tips for tasting espresso Coffee basics

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Espresso is the strongest coffee in the world, and you need a glass of water to polish your mouth before you taste it. The basic tasting method is to smell first, Espresso aroma is strong and charming, should be a good immersion. Then there is the taste, Espresso has a variety of genres, of course, according to personal preferences to set. Basically, there are two kinds, one is to drink it all in one mouthful, and the other is to drink it slightly first.

Espresso is the most fragrant coffee in the world. You need to drink a cup of water and embellish your mouth before tasting it. The basic tasting method is to smell first. Espresso has a strong and charming aroma and should be well immersed. Then there is the product, Espresso has a variety of genres, of course, according to personal preferences to decide.

Basically, there are two kinds, one is to drink it in one sip, the other is to drink it a little first, and then drink it in one sip. There is a difference in the way and feeling of each taste. Basically, what you can taste in one sip is the comprehensive taste of Espresso, while if you drink it in different times, you can taste the stratification of Espresso taste. If you drink a perfect cup of Espresso, you must be able to feel the obvious and flamboyant difference between it and any other coffee you've had. The perfect Espresso allows you to return to your mouth for 20-30 minutes after drinking.