Coffee review

Milk and sugar in coffee are easy to cause oral odor after eating

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Office workers pay attention to drink too much milk and coffee easy to produce bad breath, drink milk coffee after the best with warm water or mouthwash, if you want to keep a long time fresh breath or brush your teeth. Dental plaque in the oral cavity is a sticky bacterial film attached to the teeth. Simple gargling cannot destroy the bacterial film. Only by mechanical friction such as brushing can the maximum distance be achieved.

Office workers who pay attention to drinking too much milk and coffee are prone to bad breath. After drinking coffee with milk, it is best to gargle with warm water or mouthwash. If you want to keep your breath fresh for a long time, you'd better brush your teeth.

Dental plaque in the mouth is a kind of sticky bacterial membrane attached to the teeth. Simple gargling can not destroy the bacterial membrane. Only through mechanical friction such as brushing teeth can the environment of bacteria production be destroyed to the maximum extent and keep the breath fresh.

Many people have this feeling that after drinking coffee, their throats are dry and their mouths still smell. Is coffee associated with bad breath?

In fact, the coffee most people drink is a mixture of coffee, milk and sugar. The milk and sugar in coffee are indeed easy to cause bad breath after eating, and then develop into bad breath.