Coffee review

General knowledge of fancy Coffee the characteristics of mocha coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Mocha coffee is produced in Ethiopia. Beans are small and fragrant, with strong sour and mellow taste, moderate sweetness and special flavor. Washed coffee beans are well-known high-quality coffee, often drunk on a single basis. However, if mixed coffee can be blended, it is a kind of comprehensive coffee with ideal flavor. Ethiopia, known as the birthplace of coffee, has a history of coffee origin and a traditional agricultural country.

Mocha coffee is produced in Ethiopia. Beans are small and fragrant, with strong sour and mellow taste, moderate sweetness and special flavor. Washed coffee beans are well-known high-quality coffee, often drunk on a single basis. But if mixed coffee can be mixed, it is a kind of comprehensive coffee with ideal flavor.

Ethiopia, known as the birthplace of coffee, has a history of coffee origin and a traditional agricultural country, and is most famous for its "mocha-Mocha" coffee. In the West, Mocha is not only the name of the coffee variety, but also refers to the method of brewing coffee or the utensils for brewing coffee and special conditioning methods. Mocha coffee beans are mostly dried, but there are also so-called gourmet water-washed beans. Mocha beans are famous for their sour taste, slightly sweet, slightly alcoholic aroma and low caffeine content.

1. Taste: slightly sweet with soft acidity, sweetness has its unique round ripe taste and its unique sweet, sour and bitter taste is extremely elegant.

2. Fragrance: full-bodied aromas of fruit and grass.

3. Vision: the bean granule is small and the bean color is uneven.