Coffee review

A person who is not fit to drink coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Hypertension coffee contains caffeine, which can raise blood pressure in some sensitive patients. 2. If patients with renal failure have hyperkalemia, they need to cooperate with limited potassium diet, and the content of potassium in coffee is high. 3. Peptic ulcer caffeine stimulates gastric acid secretion, relaxes the smooth muscle vessels of the digestive system, accelerates food metabolism and reduces the nutritional value of food. 4. Diabetic coffee

1, high blood pressure coffee contains caffeine, it can make some sensitive patients blood pressure rise.

2, renal failure patients with renal failure if there is hyperkalemia phenomenon, need to cooperate with potassium diet, coffee potassium content is high.

3, peptic ulcer caffeine stimulates gastric acid secretion, and makes the digestive system smooth muscle blood vessels relax, accelerate the metabolism of food, and reduce the nutritional value of food.

4, diabetes caffeine can reduce insulin secretion in the pancreas, reduce glucose tolerance, increase insulin excretion and make blood sugar rise.

5, epilepsy caffeine can stimulate the brain power center, xanthine will make vasoconstriction, reduce blood flow to the brain. It's bad for epilepsy.

6, heart disease coffee will increase the content of fat and triglycerides, increase the burden on the heart and oxygen consumption. This is especially true when you are tired and smoke too much.

7, iron deficiency anemia coffee will accelerate the metabolism of food and reduce the absorption rate of iron.

8, kidney stones to prevent recurrence of calcium oxalate stones, must fast food rich in oxalic acid, and coffee is rich in oxalic acid food.

9, insomnia long-term drinking coffee will affect sedation, increase the number of awake, so that the depth of sleep becomes shallow. In addition to the above disease patients can not drink coffee, healthy people are not necessarily suitable for drinking coffee, such as pregnant women, lactating women, athletes and other drinking will produce bad feelings or pathological phenomena.