Coffee review

Nutrition experts in Jilin Province suggest drinking less coffee and more water.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The college entrance examination is coming, what on earth should candidates pay attention to in their diet? In this regard, Jilin Province nutrition experts suggest that drink less coffee and drink more water. Wu Shan, a nutrition expert at the Jilin Nutrition Society, said that during the preparation for the exam, many parents worried that their children were too tired and undernourished, and always wanted to make something delicious to replenish their children's brains. In this regard, he believes that the diet should not be deliberately changed before the exam.

The college entrance examination is coming, what on earth should candidates pay attention to in their diet? In this regard, Jilin Province nutrition experts suggest that drink less coffee and drink more water.

Wu Shan, a nutrition expert at the Jilin Nutrition Society, said that during the preparation for the exam, many parents worried that their children were too tired and undernourished, and always wanted to make something delicious to replenish their children's brains. In this regard, he believes that the diet before the exam should not be deliberately changed, and before and during the examination, the amount of food and drink of candidates should be the same as usual. Wu Shan said that teenagers are energetic and should be adjusted rather than replenished, and eating all kinds of supplements is often counterproductive, so it is better to eat a light diet. Millet Congee, tacos, vegetables, fruits and so on are better.

Wu Shan said that now many candidates have the habit of drinking coffee or tea, mainly to refresh themselves. He believes that candidates can drink some tea and coffee before the exam, but must not be too strong, strong tea and strong coffee have exciting effects, will affect the sleep quality of candidates.

At the same time, he also reminded that many candidates are so busy reviewing that they can't remember to drink water when they are not thirsty, which is very unscientific. Sufficient water can ensure smooth blood circulation so that the oxygen needed by the brain can be supplied in time. Therefore, candidates should pay attention to a small number of drinking water, do not wait for thirst to drink.

In addition, in view of the fact that some candidates do not have the habit of eating breakfast, Wu Shan suggested that they must eat breakfast and eat more brain-tonifying food, such as bean products, fresh vegetables, melons and fruits, and so on. However, don't eat too much, or it will affect the performance of the exam. It is better to have a full lunch and a full dinner.