Coffee review

DIY has a delicious cup of mocha coffee during the weight loss season.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Although February is the traditional season for weight loss, there are times when you get tired of boiled vegetables and fresh fruit every day, and when weight loss is beginning to be effective, you might as well have a petty bourgeoisie afternoon tea to temporarily drown the idea of losing weight in fragrant coffee. Today, Beauty Kitchen brings you a good-looking and delicious mocha coffee. The practice is very simple. Take advantage of the weekend to DIY. Raw material

Although February is the traditional weight loss season, but the daily boiled vegetables, fresh fruit after all, eat tired of the time, weight loss at the beginning of the effective time, may wish to have a petty afternoon tea, let the idea of weight loss temporarily drowned in fragrant coffee. Today, the beautiful kitchen brings you a good-looking and delicious mocha coffee. The practice is very simple. Take advantage of the weekend DIY.

Ingredients: Chocolate sauce, cream, coffee, sugar, cocoa powder.

Practice: 1. Put it in the refrigerator before whipping the cream;2. Squeeze the right amount of chocolate sauce into the coffee cup;3. Pour the ground coffee into the coffee cup;4. Stir thoroughly with a stirring rod;5. Add 20% of the total amount of white sugar to whittle the cream.